

unfair jobs and moments that made people go "screw this, I'm out." | CONFETA 1 day ago S E 2 at yearly review former boss hyped up giving 0.10 raise and praised good team leader asked about management position had opened up at store sent fix, she told she couldn't stand lose permanently another store turned my two week notice and moved on.

Times People Said "Screw This" And Noped On Out

Sometimes enough is enough.
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A quick Tumblr thread shares the story of a terrifying monster mold in Chernobyl | Text - The image is of a reactor core lava formation in the basement of the Chernobyl nuclear plant. It's called the Elephant's Foot and weighs hundreds of tons, but is only a couple meters across. Oh, and regarding the Medusa thing, this picture was taken through a mirror around the corner of the hallway. Because the wheeled camera they sent up to take pictures of it was destroyed by the radiation. The Elephant's

Tumblr Thread About Horrifying Monster Mold

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Strange and unlikely moments that felt like a glitch | posted by Stockero1 walking my dog and almost driveway looked down some reason and looked back up and ended up being back at road about 6 blocks away where thought so confused but my dog looked completely fine.

Real-Life Glitches People Experienced

Sometimes things don't make sense.
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stories of times people barely dodged a bad situation | Freshman year college had calc class material had learned before, but various reasons they didn't give transfer credit. So skipped class quite frequently. Though usually slept one morning find myself awake at 8:30 and not really feeling like sleep. Might as well check on class and see 's going on midterm exam.

The Biggest Bullets People Dodged

That was close.
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A plumber accidentally ends up creating a metal snake monster. | my grandfather young he owned roadside motel, and my mother used do work around motel family building old and they had bad pipes, so visits plumber were fairly regular occurrence over there. At one point they had clogged toilet after guest checked out, so they called plumber come and clean out plumber came with his bag gear and set work, but clog stubborn. After few tries, he decided he needed get snake.

Tumblr Story: Plumber Accidentally Creates Metal Snake Ghost

Genuinely terrifying.
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creepy earthquake safe bed coffin casket

Company's Earthquake Safe Bed Is Nightmare Fuel

Hard nope on this bed.
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Creepy and Sinister Signs That Mean Business

Oh wow, thanks you sign.
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weird stories and creepy moments | violentorifice Standing outside convenient store saw two different cars park (about minute or so apart) and go store obvious two didn't know each other atleast seemed After shopping, they each left other's car still can't explain today without going down CIA conspiracy route

Strange And Unexplainable Things People Saw

Oooohhh spooky.
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A Tumblr thread about the unsettling uncanny valley effect | think know reason why people prefer "unrealistic" animation some reason, humans really don't like things look like humans but aren't quite human. Hence why lot people are uncomfortable with movies with animation like Monster House and Polar Express looks too realistic us and sets us off. Scientists call this Uncanny Valley" effect and its thought be an evoluti tactic survival.

Tumblr Thread: The Unsettling Reason For Unrealistic Animation

The good old uncanny valley effect.
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An informative Tumblr thread about how humans go crazy without plants | zachsanomaiy Humans have never lived fully under ground or completely inclosed societies at any point human history part because need decent circadian rhythm sun and see plants and breathe fresh air But also because humans hallucinate and lose their minds if they are inclosed something with structural insecurities, like are legit predisposed go psycho So hear out Story plot:Everything is going fine with fifteen year space

Tumblr Post: Humans Need Their Plant Friends

Plants are the real homies.
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People describe the biggest bullets that they ever dodged | well_uh_yeah 3h 4 Awards my great aunt passed away helping clean out her house just dragging everything out basement and suddenly my dad is like Whoa! Put down gently and let's move away here Sol put weird metal tube-type thing carrying down and get out there. Turns out 's mortar shell my aunt worked munitions factor during WI. Bomb squad came and took away.

Biggest Bullets People Dodged

Way too close.
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creepy theories about life and reality | Tressel44 13.7k points 6 days ago Humans are scared things mimic them too perfectly theory is developed this because there super predator some sort would mimic us and kill us. But never knew happened

People's Creepiest Theories On The Nature of Reality

What's out there, man?
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cringey live stream woman enters wrong car fail

Woman Gets Into Car, Realizes It's Very Wrong Car

He had very different expectations.
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Tumblr stories of places and things being gothic | themmfatale 2020 gothic join zoom call. everyone's mic is muted, but no one is talking anyway stare at squares with faces them. which is face can't be sure news is full numbers try learn they mean, but articles are full jargon fields have no experience and swear numbers change blink wake up sleep wake up sleep many days have no idea go walk shadow follows down street, moving move, stopping stop. always recommended six feet away every day get

Tumblr Tales that Make Everything Gothic

Gothic Australia? Sure. Gothic Retail? Fine.
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creepy funny weird album covers | LET TOUCH HIM The Ministers Quartet four men in suits standing together | SOUNDS LIFE Unseen Hand Sharla Tommy McNeely two kids standing on a giant transparent hand

Weird and Oblivious Old Album Covers

Some stuff doesn't age great.
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A Twitter thread about a woman's encounter with terrible, creepy guy | SaraSuze @tragedythyme quick reminder men: Common events can turn into really scary situations women snap. Case point: This week listed clothes dryer on Letgo app. Because dryer neutral meeting location impractical needed taken out my house

Twitter Thread: Woman Tries To Sell Clothes Dryer, Mega Creep Shows Up

Hopefully that guy got caught.
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