

The Best Dating App Flops of the Week for Tinder Dinner Dates (August 10, 2023)

The Best Dating App Flops of the Week for Tinder Dinner Dates (August 10, 2023)

This is what you get for installing that dating app
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‘I can’t do this anymore': Karen demands barista ‘label’ her drinks, despite them already being labeled; barista quits

‘I can’t do this anymore': Karen demands barista ‘label’ her drinks, despite them already being labeled; barista quits

Working as a barista, you get to meet a bucketload of the general population, most of whom are wildly entitled, despite the fact that underneath their short blond haircut and agitated pointing finger, they're just like you: a human being. Unfortunately, customers were either brought up without manners and never managed to get a knack for them, or they were brought up with manners, and chucked them out the second they turned 18. In any case, OP was working as a barista at a cafe, when a Karen re…
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'I just over-charge her every time but she think she's won': Coffee Karen doesn't reach card minimum but insists on paying with card, manager complies by overcharging her

'I just over-charge her every time but she think she's won': Coffee Karen doesn't reach card minimum but insists on paying with card, manager complies by overcharging her

Karen might go about her day thinking she won, but we know the truth.
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'Karen thinks that she is more important than the other 400 people': Woman reports train attendant who wouldn't give her coffee fast enough

'Karen thinks that she is more important than the other 400 people': Woman reports train attendant who wouldn't give her coffee fast enough

They say you should choose your battles in life, but some people love to fight every single battle that comes their way. Maybe it's just the way they were raised, being taught that confrontation will always get you your way. But in reality, treating every minor issue like a huge deal just makes everyone around you roll their eyes. In a story told to the r/EntitledB**** subreddit, u/HBiggle shared a story of a Karen who accosted them while they worked as an attendant on a train. Being a train at…
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‘Karen got decaf for six weeks’: Barista serves Karen customer decaf for six weeks after Karen messes with staff

‘Karen got decaf for six weeks’: Barista serves Karen customer decaf for six weeks after Karen messes with staff

Staff working in the service industry are often greeted by unruly Karen customers who march in like they own the place, demanding discounts and ordering them around. Often because of poor management, the staff are forced to deal with the impolite attitude quietly inside their heads, as opposed to talking back and standing up for themselves. In this case, OP was working as a barista at a coffee shop where they served such a Karen customer, who happened to be a regular. Karen was manageable up un…
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'You're all going to wait for me': Karen holds up line at 5:30 in the morning, gets in customer's face, he wins out with free coffee

'You're all going to wait for me': Karen holds up line at 5:30 in the morning, gets in customer's face, he wins out with free coffee

It must have taken a ton of willpower for this guy to maintain his composure.
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Couple removes MIL from their house after she ruins a suitcase

'My MIL stood horrified in the middle of our living room': Couple kicks MIL from their house after she ruins a suitcase

Unpacking after a trip is something you either do as soon as you get home, or three weeks later, and those are the only options. Sometimes, you get back from a trip and put the entire suitcase away ASAP so that you can chill out and unwind after the journey. Other times, you've had so much fun that you're too tired to put away your luggage, and you just ignore it for a while until you gather the strength to put your stuff away . Anyway, this person's MIL is in that first category of people. She…
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boss toxic-workplace work ceo coffee reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment petty revenge - 20602373

'There would be no coffee': CEO enforces 'no free coffee' rule for interviewees, employee gives him a taste of his own decaf medicine

Every so often, you get to re-enforce your own boss's strict rule back at them.
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House Rules When Your Roommate Is A Kevin

'No hiding coffee in the furniture': Bumbling roommate requires 'unique house rules' due to his silly mistakes

This roommate is one of those people who need to be supervised because they've just never learned basic life skills. You may take for granted that someone taught you how to cook — it seems no one informed this “ Kevin” roommate of the dangers that can bring. This person shared three hilarious stories of rules they implemented due to Kevin's really specific habits. Roommates like this can be lots of fun to hang out with (it seems that Kevin was a nice guy overall) but they just seem to need extr…
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'She's one of those customers': Barista's clever way of letting customers know they need to tip

'She's one of those customers': Barista shares clever way of letting customers know they need to tip

To tip or not to tip, that is the question for this coffee shop regular . And according to her barista, who posted about the experience on r/pettyrevenge, leaving a tip makes a big difference in how you get your drink. Tipping is very normal in the US, and it seems like more businesses than ever are relying on tip money to get by. But one place that tips have traditionally always been expected is coffee shops . Especially if you go to the same place every day or a few times a week, you definite…
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'She messed with the wrong student; she never complained again': Barista student schools Karen customer after one too many coffee ‘remakes’

'She messed with the wrong student; she never complained again': Barista student schools Karen customer after one too many coffee ‘remakes’

Working in customer service, hospitality, retail, or any other field that requires you to have human interaction with Karens on a daily basis, gives you a strong backbone you never asked for, and bucketloads of apathy. At first, you feel like a failure when a customer screams at you, demanding a free refill because your coffee tastes like the back of a dump truck. You realize it's ridiculous that a total stranger has the power to make you feel like a blundering fool, all over a cup of coffee. E…
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workplace-stories fired work stories coworkers coffee human resources reddit thread Reddit - 20314117

'My coworker got suspended because of me': Employee calls out coworker for behavior toward cleaning lady, HR steps in

This employee needs to recognize that their coworker very much did this to himself.
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customer service barista customers customer coffee entitled cafe entitled people service industry - 19148037

'She [...] told my mom [...] the milk would taste better anyways': Barista repeatedly gets an order wrong and refuses to use the correct milk

It can be incredibly frustrating when you repeatedly ask someone to do something, only for it to remain still undone or incorrectly finished… (or so my girlfriend tells me, at least.) Most of us will also agree that an incorrect or ruined food or drink order can ruin the one thing that was going to be great about your day. Now, most of us will probably be too diffident to do or say anything about our spoiled beverage, instead be resigned to our cup of overheated milk that has just the slightest…
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Work memes job manager boss Mondays 9-to-5 work-sucks terrible the worst best of the week lol coffee Monday through Friday clocking in cubicle anarchy

Funniest Work Memes for Burnt Out Employees With a Permanent Case of the Mondays (March 27, 2023)

Are you already on your fifth cup of coffee and it's only 10am? After what always feels like a short weekend, that sweet bean juice is all that can boost your spirits. Although there are some days, despite coffee's best efforts, that you're still dragging.Although there are some days, despite coffee's best efforts, that you're still dragging. It's probably because your work is futile and even though they promised you a "fast paced environment", time comes to a standstill the moment you clock in.
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'Can I get 20 creams and 10 sugars?': 25 Coffee drinks so strong and sugary that they could propel you into outer space

'Can I get 20 creams and 10 sugars?': 25 Coffee drinks so strong and sugary that they could propel you into outer space

Once you work at a restaurant that serves coffee, you realize just how weirdly people take their morning beverage — loaded up with creamer, sugar, and flavoring. When I worked at a restaurant, I always was weirded out by people who would order a small coffee, and then add 10 sugars, 15 creams, and 5 pumps of flavor. It would cost extra money , and there would be literally a tablespoon of coffee in the drink after adding all that other stuff. But there were regulars who ordered their drinks like…
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'This was my dream when I worked in retail': Barista plays controversial 'mean prank' on rude customer

'This was my dream when I worked in retail': Barista plays controversial 'mean prank' on rude customer

One high schooler asked r/AITA a question about her job conduct: was she in the wrong for playing a ‘mean prank’ on a customer who berated her?
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