
coffee shop

'You're not making me steam milk? Thank you for an easy life, king/queen': 35+ Highly specific memes from cafe baristas

'You're not making me steam milk? Thank you for an easy life, king/queen': 35+ Highly specific memes from cafe baristas

Society would crumble without the hardworking baristas who get up very early every morning to clock in and make us our lattes and americanos. I pledge my allegiance to the baristas everywhere who make it possible to order a fine caffeinated drink and receive excellent service each time. Working at a coffee shop is no walk in the park, though, as this collection of memes from barista-focused pages will reveal. You might think you know what goes on behind the counter of your favorite Starbies, bu…
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Application for a min wage job, at a cat café

Application to Work at a Cat Café Requires Hand-Written Cover Letter and Ridiculous Creative Project

Can you imagine actually applying to this?
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customer service Canada coffee shop employee manager coffee karen - 17277957

Coffee Shop Customer Doesn't Understand That Employees Don't Work At Every Franchise

Just because someone works at one chain coffee shop location doesn't mean they work at every location.
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coffee shop fired teenagers workplace cafe funny - 15959045

Clever Teens "Fake Getting Fired" When Customers Complain and Act Entitled

Seems like a bit of harmless fun.
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Try Our Leonardoccino!

coffee shop espresso teenage mutant ninja turtles TMNT - 6176039168

That's Not How You Power Outlet

coffee shop computers monday thru friday g rated - 7083007232
monday thru friday coffee shop work coffee jerks Video - 60201217

If Your Coffee Shop is Like This...

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coffee shop liar cups - 7138057216

Are You Experienced?

barista coffee shop experience Hall of Fame job application job interview resume - 6461867008
Via For Lack of a Better Comic


art awesome cappuccino chalkboard art clever coffee shop creativity in the workplace decoration drawing Movie movie quote official sign sass signage sketch wiseass - 3647806464
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