Poorly Dressed


Let's get some shoes. Shoes are what separates us from a banana. That and a few genetic twists. Shoes have become a global sensation for young and old collectors alike. If you're all about that footwear and everything that has to do with it, fantastic. But not flip flops or sandals, get out of here with that nonsense.

Troll Points If You Convince Someone To Drink the Shoe Brew

shoes - 7756719872

Tying Your Shoes is Just as Much Work as Inflating Them

shoes poorly dressed inflatable - 8386006272
Via xaxor

When You're in a Rush, This Can Happen

monday thru friday shoes poorly dressed - 8190182144

Shoes With the Three Stripes? Nah, Sandals.

adidas DIY sandals shoes stripes - 6424159488

Hit the Beach, Rawhide

boots cowboy boots fashion sandals shoes - 6276677888

If You Can Run in Them, More Power to You

gym shoes nike high heels poorly dressed sneakers g rated - 8169509632
Via a885

This DIY Wedgesneakers are Clearly Not Holding Up

shoes fashion DIY there I fixed it g rated - 7847456000

The Finest In Alien Fashion

alien Aliens costume Hall of Fame shoes - 5971379712

Hate Getting Your Feet Wet?

shoes poorly dressed umbrella - 8326135040
Via Dump a Day

Clearly the World of Fashion Needs These

shoes fashion - 7819711488

Did You Make Those Yourself?

shoes public transportation leggings - 7162524416
Created by Unknown

Nice Try, Cinderella

big feet shoes - 5248896512

It's That Time of Year Again

shoes boots poorly dressed g rated - 7899147008
Created by grizzlygreeneyes ( Via Cheezburger iOS Builder )

Most Shoes Don't Have Nearly Enough Sequins

shoes poorly dressed shiny Sequins - 8405287936
Via Shoescribe

Close Enough

shoes poorly dressed mismatched g rated - 8121972224
Via Google

The Cruel Reality of Shopping

evil shoes store tall - 6497476608

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