Poorly Dressed


Let's get some shoes. Shoes are what separates us from a banana. That and a few genetic twists. Shoes have become a global sensation for young and old collectors alike. If you're all about that footwear and everything that has to do with it, fantastic. But not flip flops or sandals, get out of here with that nonsense.

Who Snuck That in There?

shoes boots emo - 7174295296

My Only Friend, My Only Shoes

parody photoshop shoes what - 6335786240

If You Can Run in Them, More Power to You

gym shoes nike high heels poorly dressed sneakers g rated - 8169509632
Via a885

Nice Shoes

shoes selfie poorly dressed photoshop sneakers - 8205976832
Via Pleated Jeans

How You Know Your Shoes Are Too Tight

shoes tight poorly dressed feet g rated - 8440279808
Via @kimkardashian

Those Heart Eyes Are Lying

shoes dogs funny - 7565829888

Giving "Barbie Shoes" a Whole New Meaning

shoes poorly dressed Barbie head doll g rated - 8188383488
Via The Berry

His Toe Socks Were in the Laundry

shoes sandals funny poorly dressed g rated - 7558959616

Authentic for Sure!

shoes nike - 6971337472
Created by trojankid

The Fashion Scale Has a New Low

shoes - 7819747328

The Passion For Fashion Starts Early

fashion shoes parenting - 7948747264

For the Ultimate Apple Fans

apple FAIL shoes poorly dressed knockoff - 8183879936
Via The Berry

Lord of the Shoes

shoes Lord of the Rings - 6894005504


lights neon pretty colors shoes - 6417825280

Who Do You Think You're Fooling?

shoes hands couples - 7359987200

It's Hard Trying to Keep White Shoes Clean After Labor Day

mud shoes white - 7913104640

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