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Gnarly red flags that students noticed in their classes.

Red Flags Students Noticed With Terrible Classes

Sometimes you've got to peace out.
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A petty revenge tale about a driver that got their comeuppance. | r/pettyrevenge u/-avenged 7h Join 1 3 1 1 So not hurry? Okay then guess don't need overtake, right bit context right-hand drive country, rightmost lane on freeway is fast/overtaking lane and give way faster vehicles regardless fast they're going, even if at speed limit. Basically have no right police anyone's speed as civilian.

Driver Teaches Road Rager A lesson In Petty Revenge

Now that's just beautiful work.
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Sister-in-law makes the bride cry, so she gets booted from the wedding | AITA Kicking My Sister--law Out My Wedding? So my now sister--law has been pain my now wifes' ass very long time. She is always trying one up" her every way possible have also heard lot stories where she has done some pretty messed up stuff my wife, including skinny dipping with her ex while my wife and him were still together, Lying and saying liked her first highschool) which is completely untrue just break us up, and

Sister-In-Law Makes Bride Cry, Gets Booted From Wedding

She had to go.
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The dumbest things that people have ever heard. | tocanofd 9h S 1 Award sat next girl bio who got 40% on our first test. She seemed quite pleased and said now she only needed get 40% again have an average 80 O Reply 1 222

Dumbest Things People Have Ever Heard

The cluelessness is strong with these ones.
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Man doesn't evacuate for hurricane soon enough, and ends up sheltering with lions | r/tifu Join u/nuqlick TIFU by not evacuating hurricane early enough and ending up shelter with lions L shared this story before on reddit long time ago, but someone told belongs this sub This happened within past few years. Not gonna name hurricane or zoo, because don't want zoo get hate mail about treatment animals or anything really they did phenomenal job with this being during hurricane, and don't

Man Evacuates For Hurricane Late, Ends Up Sheltering With Lions

Definite yikes.
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Baby Got Balls

baby parenting Reddit - 6489252864
A woman calls out some café owners for shady business practices.

Woman Calls Out Café Owners For Shady Practices

Those owners asked for it.
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People describe the worst Valentine's Day gifts that they ever received. | wacht 3y Once ordered my girlfriend flowers didn't arrive (or were stolen porch so gave her delivery confirmation instead not as funny as thought would be.

Worst Valentine's Day Gifts People Received

Love is in the air.
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A collection of the pettiest reasons that people ever held grudges. | SierraMikeHotel 19h My wife is still angry with over dream she had years ago which cheated on her with faceless woman. Seriously Reply 42

Pettiest Reasons People Held Grudges

Dreams can inspire genuine grudges.
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Kid ends up going nuclear on his dad during a game of Monopoly | r/tifu Join u/SqueakyCleanNoseDown 15h TIFU by using nuclear option game monopoly. M four player family game Monopoly. My brother, our parents and were playing, and wasn't doing well wasn't bankrupt or heavily mortgaged yet, but could tell if something drastic didn't change next 3 turns or so toast didn't have any monopolies, but did have couple 2 out 3 properties (New York and St. James being standouts) and couple scattered here

Kid Goes Nuclear On Dad In Monopoly

All about the slumlord strategy.
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Reddit revenge story about revenge on entitled Karen | r/IDontWorkHereLady u/poweredbyweirdhumor No, my husband wearing winter coat and carrying our 6 mo baby is not working here lady XL My husband is peaceful giant. He is 6 ft 5 and can look quite imposing even though he really is teddy bear. Never stressed or aggressive, never overreacting our raising his voice, just peaceful giant.

Canadian Man Humbles Shopping Karen

Oh she had to be humbled.
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People Reveal Awkward First Date Stories| Thumbnail text - Eastern_Ad626 17 days ago i was seeing this guy from tinder and he asked me to come pregame at his place for our third or fourth date. i was so excited. finally got there and this man had a whole ass ring light and tripod set up for us to film tik toks. i nearly passed out Reply Share

People Reveal Awkward First Date Stories

Being awkward is a lifestyle
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Pizza delivery drivers describe the weirdest things they've ever encountered | BadonkaDonkies 1y "wow he's really cute as group 3 cute college aged girls opened door around same age as them so made feel fantastic as low self esteem big issue back then They only tipped remainder 20 total $19.48, and looking back on did they expect hear their comment and not tip But at time had so much more pep my step, atleast remainder day haha

Weirdest Encounters Pizza Delivery Drivers Had

Never know what's behind that door.
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Walmart employees describe the strangest things they've witnessed while on the job | gigashadow89 6y My favorite guy who came and said lost remote so need new tv asked him if tv broken wasn't, he just lost remote and didn't want bother finding so he wanted new tv showed him our selection universal remotes he responded with "but then l'd have program new tv comes with preprogrammed remote So sold guy 50 inch tv.

Weirdest Things Walmart Employees Witnessed

Walmart is a magnet for the strange.
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People describe the strangest things that happened to them that escape logic. | That_Weird_Girl_107 7h 1 Award hit patch black ice dark going 60mph down highway. At time drove 1 ton cargo van hit guard rail and flipped. Not only did walk away without scratch car drivable and only 30 min late work.

Strangest Occurrences People Can't Logically Explain

Some days are weirder than others.
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A knowledgable boss is underestimated and proceeds to win tech support. | r/talesfromtechsupport u/syninthecity 17h sometimes need stroke 1 2 4 1 3 1 1 day my boss won Tech Support. Medium mostly lurk, but this..this boys, girls and enbie friends this story had be told. Some minor context do software support thing 's used by essentially everyone may go call with mom and pop running everything on an underpowered ancient SBS 11 multinational running ten thousand server instances their own cloud

Knowledgable Boss Is Underestimated, Proceeds To Win Tech Support

Some bosses are actually pretty good at their jobs.
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