

Reddit is a social network platform that allows users to discuss and vote on content. Most of the content on Reddit's site are User Generated Content (UGC).  Reddit is ranking as the No. 5 most visited website in U.S.

Guy lives to regret adding a girl from Tinder on Snapchat | r/tifu Join u/Fazza3107 •6d TIFU By adding girl Tinder on Snapchat. M starters this happened about week ago, lockdown has been very boring many so 18M my ultimate world wisdom decided give good ol' Tinder try an average morning and got match with let's call her Sandra. By about 2pm had been talking back and forth before she ultimately asks my Snapchat which albeit stupidly, complied. Time

Guy Adds Tinder Girl On Snapchat, Lives To Regret It

Yikes, indeed.
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Gamer accidentally bottlenecks his PC for three years | r/tifu u/theRAMlord TIFU by accidentally severely bottlenecking my PC over 3 years. M TL;DR at bottom waffled built my first ever PC around 3.5 years ago s pretty budget but thought 500 spending on parts would be pretty decent. So follow couple youtube tutorials build and everything worked fine first try my absolute surprise. Over course 3 years, lI've never had one problem with other than pretty slow and could only run games on low

Gamer Accidentally Severely Bottlenecks PC For Years

That's a big whoops.
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Pizza delivery drivers describe the weirdest things they've ever encountered | BadonkaDonkies 1y "wow he's really cute as group 3 cute college aged girls opened door around same age as them so made feel fantastic as low self esteem big issue back then They only tipped remainder 20 total $19.48, and looking back on did they expect hear their comment and not tip But at time had so much more pep my step, atleast remainder day haha

Weirdest Encounters Pizza Delivery Drivers Had

Never know what's behind that door.
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Bad Advice, Shitty Pro Tips, Funny Memes, Life Hacks, Advice, Funny | bad boy @badboychadhoy my credit score is low but 's because want protect myself identity theft. no one can take out mortgage my name if can't even take out mortgage my name.

30 Terrible Tips & Life Hacks Nobody Should Try

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This Guy's Revenge on His Cheating Partner Was Perfectly Planned For a Lifetime of Regret

guy planned revenge on cheating partner by ruining relationship between them and their mother
Via 70127
Man won't pay for fireplace, so he ends up with a house full of smoke | r/ProRevenge Join u/Beeker93 Didn't pay fireplace. Ended up with house full smoke. Edit meant wood stove, not fire place didn't know there difference until someone pointed this out

Man Doesn't Pay For Fireplace, Ends Up With House Full Of Smoke

Should've just paid up.
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Guy ends up beating a Craigslist scammer at their own game | r/ProRevenge u/Oregonlost Beat craigslist scammer at his own game. So hunting rental house valentines day weekend and wasn't finding much, so popped into local Craigslist page and found place at decent but very believable price. No contact info or website, so T emailed through Craigslist relay, everything sounds legit up until he asks pay using

Guy Beats Craigslist Scammer At Their Own Game

Too easy.
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Company demands that their employee get to work on a broken bike. | r/MaliciousCompliance Join u/gaarmstrong318 19h 1 4 5 e 4 3 5 VOTE 4 VOTED 2 Broken down bike don't care get here meeting! L Edit people asking this is UK have full motorbike licence with no restrictions. Again thank likes and awards! Also if aren't going say something nice just move on okay? Let's all be decent humans :end edit So this is about just quick bit background exclusively ride motorbikes have not got car licence. LO

Company Demands Employee Get To Work On Broken Bike

Be careful with what you ask your staff to do.
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Guy continually bullies insurance company, and ends up learning his lesson | r/ProRevenge Join u/draconian1429 NEVER bully insurance company, or lose franchise Hello all. Excuse any poor grammar or spelling on mobile. TLDR at bottom This story comes friend mine, Sarah, and has been building almost 5 years until all came crashing down over last week few things note before get into Sarah works at an insurance company, dealing with massive nationwide delivery company her company

Man Repeatedly Bullies Insurance Company, Loses Everything

This gave peace to my soul.
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A collection of the dumbest things that people said in all seriousness. | AngryOrca1 There is no proof earth is round Reply

Dumbest Things People Have Said In All Seriousness

Oh, man, buckle up.
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comebacks | tweet by abby @abbypauline been 7 car accidents this year, y'all can't tell God doesr have plan senpai @jasminsenju Girl sound like he tryna kill u

Clever Comebacks That Deserve A Plaque For Their Spice

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Man tells girlfriend that she doesn't work hard enough for her salary. | r/AmltheAsshole Join u/throwaway862610 1d 2 1 AITA being frustrated my girlfriend doesn't work hard at her job and gets paid nearly twice as much as do? Asshole My girlfriend and both work tech, she's safety validator software, working at consulting firm, and doing network infrastructure support both worked different offices didn't know much about her day day life at work knew she made lot more than 120k my 66k, and she

Man Tells Girlfriend She Doesn't Work Hard Enough For Salary

Definitely not the move, my dude.
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Parent forces their vegan daughter to cook meat after she tosses their chili | AITA forcing my vegan daughter cook meat? Not hole My daughter (16F) has been vegan about year my husband and her brother (14M) have tried be as supportive as possible aren't family eats meat daily, so wasn't hard accommodate her do cook meat also make something else her and keep side dishes common all. She does have some seperate dishes, but most are common and clean if have cook her.

Parent Forces Vegan Daughter To Cook Meat

What a waste of food.
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Kid ends up going nuclear on his dad during a game of Monopoly | r/tifu Join u/SqueakyCleanNoseDown 15h TIFU by using nuclear option game monopoly. M four player family game Monopoly. My brother, our parents and were playing, and wasn't doing well wasn't bankrupt or heavily mortgaged yet, but could tell if something drastic didn't change next 3 turns or so toast didn't have any monopolies, but did have couple 2 out 3 properties (New York and St. James being standouts) and couple scattered here

Kid Goes Nuclear On Dad In Monopoly

All about the slumlord strategy.
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