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When You're Nervous on Your First Ball-Job

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What YouTube Has Taught Me a Visit to the Chiropractor Looks Like

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A Flight Attendant Apparently Had Enough of Waiting to Get off the Plane and Jumped out the Emergency Exit Slide

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Giving a Live Alligator to a News Anchor Was Only Going to End in One Or Both Freaking Out

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No Talking Attached

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When Your Favorite Teams Loses and Your Salt AF About it, But You've Got a Job to Do Too

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The Hardest Part of Calling Out of Work is Actually Saying it Out Loud

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Officer Stuck, Call For Laughing Back Up!

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A Reporter Gets Pushed Around at the Debates and Her Response Is the Most Relatable Thing About the Presidential Race

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Finally, Proof That Employees Are Happiest When Pretending To Work From Home