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Skinny Man Can Carry Multiple Gallons Of Water At Once

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It's all part of the presentation

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I've Got 99 Problems and Number 2 is 1

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Love the Super Bowl Ads, But Hate the Actual Game?

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That Face When You Lose Your Job over the Radio and You Were the Last to Know About It

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Hungarian Weatherman Adds Brilliantly Fake Fart Noises to His Forecast and It's Totally Worth Watching the Weather For

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Daft Punk Meets Floppy Drives

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The Best News Bloopers So Far in 2016

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If You Drive for Uber, Please Start Recording Your Customers and Sharing the Best With Us

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What If Game of Thrones Was Set in an Office?

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2015 Was a Great Year For Weather Report Bloopers

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Squeezing Some Beats Out of Soulless Drudgery

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To be fair, some of those ad campaigns are downright hilarious

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More Moo-ves From Everyone's Favorite Dancing Supermarket Cow