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An Irish Bus Driver's Act of Kindness Will Cheer Up Anyone's Cynical Mood

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Government Officials Wouldn't Make a Wheelchair Ramp, so This Paraplegic Man Took Things Into His Own Hands

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Your Guardian Angel Just Saved You a Traffic Ticket

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An Activist Writer Completely Disarms a Foul Troll Over Twitter in a Kind Display on MLK Day

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After Losing Their First World Cup Game, Japanese Fans Take to the Seats and Start a Riot of Cleanup

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Students at a Washington State High School Are Creating an Outbreak of Bieber Fever, but for a Good Cause

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Street Compliments WIN

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Whoever Installed This Sign Gets Free High-Fives Forever

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A US Marine Adopted Her Own Siblings in a Time of Need, Now She's Getting a Gift to Help Her Along

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In the Most Canadian News Story Ever, a Driver Runs Into a Restaurant, Buys a Round of Wings on the House to Apologize

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Athlete of the Day: Wrestler Asks Autistic Fan to Prom

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After Three Days, This Dog Finally Gets Rescued Off of a Roof

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One Woman's Festive Impulse Act of Kindness Got So Popular It Might Become a Tradition

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She's Getting Pulled Over by the Cops, but She'll Love the Tickets She's Getting Because of it

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This Couple Made it Through the Boston Bombing and Made a Beautiful Life Together

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Restored Faith in Humanity of the Day: Reddit Restores WWII Veteran's Damaged Navy Photo