

Puns are basically half-jokes that died somewhere along the way on their journey towards being funny, and that makes some people laugh.

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An Atlanta Sports Reporter Recaps an NFL Win With 23 Star Wars Puns, One For Every Point the Falcons Scored

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These Business Cards Were the Only Logical Choice

funny work image guy makes business card after getting star trek pun too many times
Via Haoleopteryx

Meaty Goodness, Right Here

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Via tyler_mischel

A First Class Con Air Pun

movies puns win - 8804714496
Via bananapancakes

You're Going to Get All Kinds of Action Under This Thing

christmas clever puns decoration g rated win - 8409568000
Via Mesolimbic

The Duggar Story

Via hendawg98

The Internet Has Jokes for Kanye West's Doppelgänger

image kanye west puns
Via @YungSatin_

A Visual Math Pun

puns tree - 8316981504
Via Spodiz

A Clever Shirt For a Lame Government

A Clever Shirt For a Lame Government
Via phuNkii

"Please Don't Rob Me, Balloon Animals Are Not a Lucrative Business"

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Via Cubicle Bot

Vending Some Ice WIN

ice t puns vending machine - 7175000064
Via Reddit

"Business Grads Hate Him!"

Via Viral Nova

Just a Lonely Little Bill

sign puns funny - 7771090688
jokes puns Video g rated win - 70382081

Everybody Loves a Bunch of Terrible Jokes, Right?

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So it's Either Empty or Full of Shit

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Via 2hraqUC

Vampiric Plates WIN

puns cars license plate g rated win - 7401902336

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