
Make a list and never follow up on it. That's the way to procrastinate. Luckily you can just as easily procrastinate with a bunch of hilarious lists. Win-win.

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This Man Took a Selfie With a Goat and The World Fell in Love With His Eyebrows

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Next Time You Need a Good Revenge Prank Idea, Try This 'Lost Dog Reward' Poster

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Welcome to the #SelfieOlympics. How Strong is Your Selfie Game?

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Andy's Room, and Other Painstakingly Recreated Toy Story 3 Sets Will Tug at Your Heartstrings

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Use These Honest Oscar-Nominated Movie Posters to Prepare For Oscar Season Without Watching Any Movies

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This Office Won Halloween By Dressing Up as 30+ Game of Thrones Characters

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10 Thanksgiving Facts You Didn't Know About

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Kenny G Knows What His Hands Are Good for, and Now So Does Everyone Else on the Internet

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This Guy Is Blowing People Away With His Amazing Photoshop Skills

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Jennifer Lawerence and Chris Pratt Hurled Immature Insults at Each Other and Twitter Ate It Up

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12 Reasons Why Japanese Bathrooms Are The Best

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This Calvin and Hobbes Meets Star Wars Fan Art Will Awaken Your Nostalgia

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Nine Times That Cat.exe Crashed

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Peter Dinklage Got a Photoshop Battle That Even Tyrion Would Approve Of

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Ever Imagined What Would Happen If A Dog Called 911? This Guy Did...

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This Perfectly Timed Photo of a Dog Licking Donuts Through a Window Got an Equally Amazing Photoshop Battle