Ugliest Tattoos


Please Forgive Them For They Know Not What They Do

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Created by raylee ( Via Cheezburger iOS Builder )

The Right to Bear Arms

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Created by Unknown

The Font Choice Makes Me Wonder What That Good Time Is

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A Fine Bottle of Wine

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Resist It

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Created by Unknown

But You're Supposed to Be a Role Model For Your Siblings

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Created by Ashley

Tainted Foot

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Going Off The Rails

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Next Time Some Draws on You With a Sharpie Be Sure to Not Get It Tattooed

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Created by Kimy

Yo Mama Wouldn't Be Pleased

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Created by beernbiccies

Magical Mystery Dice

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Created by JoeyPistachio

Fear The Butterfly

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Created by Unknown

Flagged For Fail

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Created by Unknown

Is That an Apple, Dude?

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Created by deathmetaldude

Uh-Oh The Dolphin

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Pretty Spot On Portrait

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