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Double Revenge: Worker Complains About Terrible Coworker to Mom, Mom Tells Them to Harden Up, They Orchestrate Them Working Together

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Manager Has a Meltdown and Fires Guy Over His Two Week Notice, Guy Threatens to Have Company Vehicle Towed

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Insane Interviewer Insists on Interviewing Over Text, Offended By "Unprofessional Response"

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Worker Gets Warning For Using Bathroom, Wants to Sue

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Guy Gets Fired, Then Employer Asks For Status Updates

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"No Snack" Rule Technicality Snafu Drives Worker to Quit Pedantic Boss

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Viral Thread: Boss Fires Confused Employee Via Email, Twenty Minutes After Closing With Them

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Insane Company Policy Revokes Tips and Reduces Wages of Outgoing Employees

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Good Guy Employer Gives Unexpected Raises to Match Salaries of New Hires, Internet Applauds

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Insane Manager Tells Mother She Can't Miss Work to Stay With Her Dying Child, Gets Fired

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IT Manager Explains to Clueless Directors Why Abolishing WFH is Causing Staff to Leave

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Unlucky Employee Finds HIS Job Listed Online, Owner Secretly Looking to Replace Them

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Two-Part Story: Husband's Flying Steak Mistake Makes Wife Wife's Boss Spit-Take

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Company Tries to Tell Employee That They Need to Approve Their Resignation

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Guy Gives Notice to Job, Company Revokes All PTO

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Owner Sends Insane Email After Kitchen Staff Walk Out