
He had put a rule in place that nobody was allowed to recycle a broken laptop other than himself.

IT Supervisor "Dave" demands all to-be-recycled computers pass across his desk, ends up with a giant mountain broken computers

Boss told me at the last minute about "mandatory" overtime that he made up because he was mad two of my co-workers called off that day. I missed one day that week, first day in almost a year

'Clock out and go home then': Boss demands mandatory made-up overtime, fires worker and her boyfriend when she refuses

One day the field rep called because he didn’t like how we’d answered an email. Not that we hadn’t answered it, just that he didn’t like the manner in which it had been answered. After decades of dealing with this shipper, being micromanaged to that level was not something that we were interested in.

'You should fire us!.. Ok.': Freight company follows through on client's empty threat, calls their bluff and stops servicing them

relationship good-guy-coworker workplace-stories marriage coworkers relationships workplace coworker - 18471173

'If anyone had to walk down the hall [...] they'd grab the pedometer': Overbearing wife insists husband, 'Bob,' engage in unhealthy amount of exercise, good guy coworkers pitch in to help out

Funniest Work Memes for People Who are Definitely the Toxic One in the Office

Funniest Work Memes for People Who are Definitely the Toxic One in the Office

Karen calls the wrong restaurant over 60 times to complain, gets put in her place

'You're calling the wrong place!': Drunk Karen finally admits she's wrong after harassing a restaurant she's never been to with over 60+ prank phone calls

This is how my husband’s GM speaks to him and the other managers..

'The incompetence MUST STOP!': GM writes insane email to management team

We all show up to the meeting with our lunch boxes and proceed to casually eat lunch at the corporate meeting. All 60 of us from our department. The ceo stops his spiel after a few minutes

'[Our] boss tries to deny having said that': Boss insists meeting is a lunch break, so workers eat their lunch and almost get the boss fired

dog walker accidentally kidnaps dog, gets hired full time to walk the dog

'Whose dog am I walking, bro?!': Dog walker accidentally kidnaps a stranger's dog from their apartment, walks him, and returns him, gets full-time client out of it

Fired after 7 years | Worker fired after attempting to give their two week's notice, former employer then reaches out to them again

Update: 'This morning I woke up to several texts': Company fires worker for giving two week's notice, then has the nerve to contact them asking for help

Take my tips and pay me below minimum wage. See what happens!

'I believe it came out to a little under 100k': Company cheats delivery driver out of tips, has to backpay all former employees and pay fines

manager malicious compliance revenge coworkers factory-worker factory workplace Horrible Bosses employment - 18471429

'Under his command the company need[ed] extra 2000 manhours when for over 10 years it never did': New boss sets stupid new rules for factory shut down, the predictable occurs

Places like this are the first ones to complain about nObOdY wAnTiNg tO wOrK

'Find your own replacement!': Ridiculous handwritten viral workplace posters and their stupid rules draw the ire of the internet

How "I don't listen to women" ended in unemployment

'The manager [...] didn't want [him] to even finish the shift': Misogynist coworker insists he doesn't listen to women, ends up unemployed also

My Employer Was Sold. We were all laid off and told we could re-apply for our jobs. Nobody Applied.

'No one single person has re-applied for their old job': New owners lay off entire staff and force workers to reapply for their job, no one does

Shut the F*ck up get in the truck and do what you’re told! You got it. | Malicious compliance

'I jumped in my truck, called his boss, and went home': Jerk construction operator abuses wrong contractor, gets fired