
Decide their fate: Help this Redditor respond to their intrusive boss

Decide their fate: Help this Redditor respond to their intrusive boss

'She grabbed me on my arm': New manager orders line cook to "Stay in one place and do one thing," predictable outcome occurs

'She grabbed me on my arm': New manager orders line cook to "Stay in one place and do one thing," predictable outcome occurs

'Go Away Karen' : 16 Coworker Memes That Define A Toxic Workplace

'Go Away Karen' : 16 Coworker Memes That Define A Toxic Workplace

'I can’t afford to pay them': Employee fired and asked to repay $1,100 to employer

'I can’t afford to pay them': Employee fired and asked to repay $1,100 to employer

My 21 year old niece, slapped her boss square in the face in a team meeting and quit her job. I am a proud uncle. It was THE topic of conversation at the family Xmas-eve dinner.

'[She] slapped her boss': Employee stands up for herself and quits on the spot, has finally had enough of her boss's harassment

malicious compliance workplace - 16441605

Employee Gives Up Lunch Break to Help Out, Boss Tells Them They Can't Eat While Working

Terrible boss loses $100M over their poor treatment of a former employee

'[New boss] let me decide': Terrible boss loses $100M over their poor treatment of a former employee

What's one thing in a job description that gets an immediate skip from you the second you see it?

'Our employees are like a family': 30+ People share their biggest job application red flags

Update: 'I just rage-quit my job of 5 years': Worker returns a year after quitting terrible job with an update

Update: 'I just rage-quit my job of 5 years': Worker returns a year after quitting terrible job with an update

waitress helps expose a cheating customer

Server Waiting an Anniversary Dinner Catches the Man Messaging on Tinder, Cleverly Outs Him in Front of His Girlfriend

'I'm done': Company instates wild policy implementing mandated search of employees and their personal belongings in viral memo

'I'm done': Company instates wild policy implementing mandated search of employees and their personal belongings in viral memo

guy quit his job thinking he became rich

'He called my boss a f-ing idiot': Insane coworker tricked into quitting on the spot when he thinks he hit the jackpot

Make it go 20% faster. sure. | So this happened around 2010 in Australia to my brother who is a tradesman who worked for a small engineering firm.

'Make it go 20% faster? Sure': New supervisor insists machinist make their machine operate faster, predictable outcome occurs

store managers sings to Karen customers when they throw tantrums

‘Whenever a customer is rude to me… I just sing to them’: Store manager uses a harmonica and sings to Karen customers whenever they throw a tantrum

For context: set up an interview the previous day for 2 pm. Prospective employer called me at 3pm when I was unavailable. Rescheduled the interview for 2pm the next day and still did not call at the scheduled time.

'Do not contact me': Idiot interviewer misses job interview then tells candidate it's their fault, gets progressively more unhinged

AITA for telling my old boss I don't believe in loyalty and it's unreasonable to expect me not to quit for a better paid job?

Update! 'He said I couldn't have left at a worse time': Employee tries to reconnect with boss after quitting goes wrong