
20+ Coworker Memes for Understaffed Teams of Employees With One Foot Out the Door

20+ Coworker Memes for Understaffed Teams of Employees With One Foot Out the Door

Landlord advertises all of our company's equipment for sale to our competitors. Best follow our eviction to the letter.

'There was definitely an elephant in the room': Landlord forces company to abandon building in one week, cue malicious compliance

'Google Street View driver: You're all alone for 8+ hours a day': 25+ Jobs that seem extra fun, but don't live up to the hype

'Google Street View driver: You're all alone for 8+ hours a day': 25+ Jobs that seem extra fun, but don't live up to the hype

workplace workplace-stories story work employee malicious compliance

'I should be getting overtime each time I pick up the phone': Employee demands to be paid for any calls they take outside of work hours

terrible coworkers antiwork employee coworkers dickhead co-workers awesome co-workers not workplace coworker employment workplace-stories choosing beggars entitled entitled people choosing beggar

Coworker calls woman a "nasty girl" after throwing trash in her candy bowl

workplace-stories entitled parents drama workplace workplace drama karen entitled people employment - 19149573

Entitled Karen coworker insists woman's out of work commitments are less important than her children, sparks office drama

guy gets his favorite manager fired all because he wasn't getting attention, now he regrets it and is feeling the karma

'I got rid of my boss to make my life better, but instead made it worse': Guy has Epiphany That He's a Backstabbing Employee After Getting His Favorite Manager Fired, Karma Comes for Him with Vengeance

customer service server-stories fired server servers waiter waiting server life workplace service-industry-stories service industry - 19105285

'What are my options?': Restaurant owner fires server and holds $2000 for ransom to force signing of illegal NDA

Don't deviate from the flowchart? OK, if you insist

'Ok then, no more using our brains': Management insists workers use inferior process flowchart, the predictable occurs

‘Fine, I’ll Play the System’ : Man Commutes 175 Miles per Day to Work, Company Refuses to Reimburse Him for Transit, Leading to Malicious Compliance

‘Fine, I’ll Play the System’ : Man Commutes 175 Miles per Day to Work, Company Refuses to Reimburse Him for Transit, Leading to Malicious Compliance

25 Relatable Memes to Abolish the Monday Blues and Help Exhausted Employees Get Through the Work Week

25 Relatable Memes to Abolish the Monday Blues and Help Exhausted Employees Get Through the Work Week

pro revenge workplace-stories revenge work coworkers client workplace Horrible Bosses bad bosses theft employment - 19087877

Bad Boss Steals Super Bowl Tickets, Loses Client and Pays Hefty Price

antiwork toxic work workplace employment - 1958663

'Anything unplanned is unexcused': Employer instates policy promising disciplinary action for sick leave

20 'Sunday Scaries' Memes for Weekend Warriors Who Dread Monday Mornings

20 'Sunday Scaries' Memes for Weekend Warriors Who Dread Monday Mornings

'Plot twist': Employee left to handle everything alone while boss vacations gets publicly called out during a work dinner, ends up getting praised

'Plot twist': Employee left to handle everything alone while boss vacations gets publicly called out during a work dinner, ends up getting praised

toxic-workplace quit workplace quitting resignation employment toxic-work-environment - 1961991

Owner claims a raise is impossible, worker quits then learns the new hire is making more than they requested, they cancel their notice period