
pro revenge work-story workplace-stories in-the-workplace fired toxic-workplace workplace-story revenge i quit quit petty revenge toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses quitting - 20292357

'He quit a few weeks later': Manager tries to humiliate security guard, quits when it backfires

Cheapskate Boss | I worked as a shift supervisor in a department of about 60 employees. Every year there is a designated week to celebrate our profession.

'I saw red': Cheapskate boss forces shift supervisors to pay for company pizza parties and refuses to tip, shift supervisors pays them in pettily dispensed pennies

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Relatable Work Memes for Salty Servers Who Are Riding the Struggle Bus This Week

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'Have fun with unemployment': Karen coworker fires herself by refusing to do her job

workplace-stories malicious compliance work human resources workplace reddit thread Reddit karen - 20290821

'Two petty victories over Finance Karen': Employee finds loophole in company's travel reimbursement policy, goes over HR's head to get approved

No sick days. | I am sicker than yesterday. I need rest. No don't say that.

'No. Don't say that.': Employee tries to call out sick, manager begs them to come in

Was asked to take a “lateral”promotion

'I turned in my notice': Employee offered promotion, later told that it's a 'lateral promotion' that comes with a $1 raise, quits

My idiot boss just lost $300.000 Dollars over 30 cents

'The client was so angry': Pedantic boss costs company $300,000 sale over $0.30 transaction fee

Top 25 Coworker Memes of the Week (April 26, 2023)

Top 25 Coworker Memes of the Week (April 26, 2023)

viral videos two weeks notice how-I-quit employee how-to-quit-using-AI funny-chatgpt Funny-AI-Mistakes chatGPT funny-ai AI-fail workplace chatgpt-fail quitting - 2064903

'How do I say "I can't be sad and poor for another month" in a professional way?': Woman uses ChatGPT to respond to her boss about quitting

terrible coworkers work-story antiwork workplace-stories employee toxic-workplace workplace-story job coworkers employees workplace coworker toxic-work-environment - 20195845

'I'm losing my sanity': Worker expresses frustration about their "office prankster" coworker, sparking online discussion

management boss happy-employees overworked employees managers workplace work-life balance healthy-work-relationship Reddit - 20285445

'He actively discouraged overwork': People share tips from competent bosses who actually made sure their employees prioritized life over work

workplace-stories in-the-workplace employee toxic-workplace workplace-story toxic i quit quit toxic-boss overworked-employees workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment toxic-work-environment - 20260101

'He responded by adding more workload': Worker quits when boss gives them more work after they complain about their workload

Guess what happens when you write up your best employee after he came in to help on his day off

'Guess what happens when you write up your best employee [...] on his day off?': Small business tells its hardest worker to 'quit messing around'

terrible coworkers workplace-stories in-the-workplace toxic-workplace workplace-story malicious compliance revenge coworkers toxic-boss workplace Horrible Bosses - 20291845

'I eventually quit': Manager insists on doing things their way because of their age... despite having less experience

workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace servers toxic-boss managers workplace reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20273669

'We don't have to let you guys take tips': Manager participates in tip pool, employees band together to retaliate