
'I do all of their work': Boss takes credit for employee's work, CEO tells employee she is making no impact on the company

'I do all of their work': Boss takes credit for employee's work, CEO tells employee she is making no impact on the company

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'My vacation time for my sister's wedding was denied': Man questions whether or not he should quit over rejected PTO

'I can still access the account': Social media manager keeps 'working' after being replaced by unpaid teenager

'They may have fired me, but I can still access the account': Social media manager keeps 'working' after being replaced by unpaid teenager

terrible coworkers getting fired workplace-stories fired coworkers workplace - 21809925

30+ Stories of how "that one guy" got fired

'My old boss finally [got] what he deserved': Employee denied promotion despite already doing the work, maliciously complies and gets fired, store forced to close

'He answered that I was not qualified, nor smart enough to do this job': Employee denied promotion, maliciously complies and causes store to close down

'My job took away our chairs': New manager reprimands employees, makes them stand for full eight hour shifts

'My job took away our chairs': New manager reprimands employees, makes them stand for full eight hour shifts

‘I was fired on the spot’: Top Reddit Stories of Employees Getting Fired

‘I was fired on the spot’: Top Reddit Stories of Employees Getting Fired

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'You should learn how to take "no" for an answer': Woman shuts down nosy coworker's questions about her husband's salary with controversial response

'I don't believe in vacation': 30+ Interviewees who spotted red flags at the workplace and ran

'I don't believe in vacation': 30+ Interviewees who spotted red flags at the workplace and ran the other direction

'I went full Karen': Job applicant loses it at hiring manager's process, contacts HR, manager gets reprimanded

'I went full Karen': Job applicant rejects hiring manager's process, contacts HR, manager gets reprimanded

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'The IT system had failed and no backups were done': IT guy banned from helping with unmanaged tasks at previous job, entire system goes down and boss gets fired

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[I] dropped the uniform on his desk and walked home': Bakery worker told they can't quit while wearing their uniform, so they quit and leave in their boxers instead

'Oh sorry, did you want some?': Choosing beggar ruins office pizza order, coworker gets even by eating all his slices

'Oh sorry, did you want some?': Choosing beggar ruins office pizza order, coworker gets even by eating all his slices

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'There is no way that question disqualified me': Woman loses out on a job she's overqualified for based on her honest answer

getting fired antiwork workplace-stories fired toxic-workplace coworkers askreddit workplace Reddit - 21766917

'[My boss] is holding a personal grudge of some sort': Teenage barista is being edged out of work hours by her nitpicking boss

"Got subtly shamed for leaving for more money."

'They pulled the corporate version of negging on me': Worker shamed by current employer for getting a new job after being denied a raise