

'I don't need to buy [my coworkers] gifts': Employee refuses to participate in Office Secret Santa, gets into conflict with HR

'I don't need to buy [my coworkers] gifts': Employee refuses to participate in Office Secret Santa, gets into conflict with HR

Now that it's the Holiday season, we are unfortunately subjected to that time of year when we have to get gifts for more people than we'd like. The idea of having to participate in an annual Office Secret Santa on top of all that other shopping is truly too far. Thankfully, I have never been asked to participate in one, and honestly, thank goodness. I'm not quite sure what I've done in my life to deserve that luxury, but I'll take it. Knowing myself, if I were pressured to be a part of an Offic…
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'He was putting little notes in the DVD cases at Blockbuster': 25+ Employees who got fired on the spot

'He was putting little notes in the DVD cases at Blockbuster': 25+ Employees who got fired on the spot

There was a time when being fired was something to be ashamed of, but these days, companies love to hire and fire expeditiously. It's almost a rite of passage for those who work in retail or fast food. And if it doesn't happen to you, it'll certainly happen to one of your coworkers. The thing about customer service jobs is that you unfortunately have to serve customers, a lot of whom have no intentions of ever treating employees with respect. You're supposed to brush off their repeated insults,…
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'My boss FREAKED OUT!': Employee gives boss doctor's note requiring that they sit during work, boss loses it, threatens to fire employee

'My boss FREAKED OUT!': Employee gives boss doctor's note requiring that they sit during work, boss loses it, threatens to fire employee

There are some things that even your strict boss should not be able to argue with at work. We've seen several instances of bosses overstepping and overreacting when they have no business doing so. We often see this manifest itself when people request well-deserved paid time off or take a mental health day. Bosses who can't step outside their own stress and experiences tend to react this way out of a place of selfishness, whereas you know you have a good boss when they are able to take a step ba…
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hoa workplace-stories employee trash malicious compliance work park karens in the wild reddit thread Reddit garbage truck karen entitled people - 23256581

'Karen accuses me of trespassing and littering at my job': Entitled woman calls cops on worker cleaning up trash in the park

This guy works for an HOA management company, and it's his job to go around to different communities and provide maintenance work. Trash pick-up is part of the job. So, the OP gets to a community park at 7 in the morning to start his job. He knows the park technically opens at 8 a.m., but the garbagemen come at 7:30 a.m., so he has no choice but to show up before it opens to make sure he can get the trash out to the curb in time. Then enters the neighborhood Karen.
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'Is all of this really necessary?': Customer thinks he knows better than pool store employee, tries to save money on pool before his plan backfires

'Is all of this really necessary?': Customer thinks he knows better than pool store employee, tries to save money on pool before his plan backfires

This pool salesman has been on the job long enough to know that some customers can't be convinced to buy the products they need. Customers often like to think they know everything about a product just because they own it. In this case, the owner of a pool was pretty sure he knew everything he needed to know about his swimming pool. How hard could it be to maintain one little pool? All you have to do is fill it and empty it seasonally, and put in some chlorine or salt. Right? Surely there's noth…
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'Placed on the very public Wall of Shame': Employee calls out of work due to pet emergency, toxic bosses shame her to 'hold [her] accountable'

'Placed on the very public Wall of Shame': Employee calls out of work due to pet emergency, toxic bosses shame her to 'hold [her] accountable'

There are many heartless acts toxic bosses commit in order to keep a “well-oiled machine” running, but reprimanding employees for having family emergencies is about as bad as it gets. Everyone
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers job seeker workplace job interview interview employment in the workplace - 23250949

'We're going to be pursuing other candidates': Candidate loses job offer after "failing" salary guessing game interview tactic

Let's be honest: Missing out on a job in the last round of the interview can be tough, especially when you're desperate for a job… but if a prospective employer is using tactics like this, you probably didn't want to work there anyway. No honest hiring manager wants to waste their own time and spend more time recruiting than they have to.
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'The administrative tasks piled up, not that Karen noticed': Assistant manager insists employee 'print an MP4' file, employee spends hours completing her task

'The administrative tasks piled up, not that Karen noticed': Assistant manager insists employee 'print an MP4' file, employee spends hours completing her task

What would we ever do without receptionists ? These people keep the world running by doing all the organization and planning that keeps businesses afloat. CEOs and CFOs get the fancy titles and get to spend their time taking clients to glamorous lunches. They aren't the ones truly running the company, though. They may have the look of a person in power, but you know who's really in charge? The person who unlocks the doors each morning, keeps the office full of food and coffee, handles phone cal…
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'He didn't know how to do his job': 10+ times employees got their bosses fired

'He didn't know how to do his job': 10+ times employees got their toxic bosses fired

Those of you with toxic bosses surely have occasionally considered how you could possibly get them fired. It's not necessarily a realistic thought or one that you could easily pull off, but you have probably entertained the idea after a tough meeting or a difficult encounter on the job. Sometimes, these are folks who had it coming. They have treated you unfairly or have taken credit for your accomplishments or have even tried to undermine you and make you look bad. In other words, these are peo…
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'I am pretty sure my CEO has been stealing money': 30+ Employees and students share the dramas people can't stop talking about at their workplaces and schools

'I am pretty sure my CEO has been stealing money': 30+ Employees and students spill the juicy dramas people can't stop talking about

No workplace or school is without some drama, and we've got our popcorn buckets ready as we read these stories. Gossipy places aren't always the nicest to work at, but there will be some great stories. A little bit of drama can spice up any boring Thursday afternoon. Whether it's two coworkers who can't agree on the heat, or the entire office waiting for someone to have a meeting with HR, it certainly breaks up the monotony. I'm fascinated with the story of the office where no one could agree o…
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'So petty and so childish': Coworker rips employee's name down from decorations and throws it in the trash, employee figures it out

'So petty and so childish': Coworker rips employee's name down from decorations and throws it in the trash, employee figures it out

The reality of being an adult in the working world is that not everyone is going to like you. This can be especially hard to hear for the people pleaser of the world. As someone who once upon a time would identify as a people pleaser myself, I understand the mental and emotional adjustment that comes with learning that some people are just not going to be your friend. Perhaps this phenomenon has weighed on you since your school days, or perhaps you're only just realizing it now because you lear…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work coworkers job seeker workplace job interview interview employment in the workplace - 23250181

'A great deal of free labor': Candidate withdraws their application after being asked to prepare entire presentation using real company data

Look, by nature, the interview process is going to require jumping through hoops and putting a little bit of yourself out there—and it's a lot like dating in that respect. The whole thing may seem like an unnecessary performance, but like with a first date, the idea is that setting a basic social exchange with some universal ground rules in place allows each party to assess the other party and decide whether there is any compatibility for proceeding further.
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'Have fun being unemployed': New manager tries to take a cut of servers' tips, servers band together to get her fired

'Have fun being unemployed': New manager tries to take a cut of servers' tips, servers band together to get her fired

Rule number one of being a manager should be to never become the enemy of your team. Of course, it's nearly impossible to be the best friend of your team members. There will always be a power dynamic there and a sense of authority and professionalism that you cannot shake (nor should you, in many cases). However, what you do need to do is create a sense of approachability and to lead with empathy and understanding. This is, of course, easier said than done, and there are certain work environmen…
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'They emailed me in a panic, begging me to stop': Intern sends dozens of emails to lawyers after boss refuses to let them use a flash drive

'They emailed me in a panic, begging me to stop': Intern sends dozens of emails to lawyers after boss refuses to let them use a flash drive

Interns are allowed to make mistakes over and over and over again. It's kind of just part of the job. As a young person in college, you want to get some valuable experience in your career field with an internship. But since you are still in college, and have probably never worked in an office setting before, you're just bound to mess things up. At least at this point in your not-yet-existing career, you're allowed to make a few mistakes in the name of learning and gaining experience. This perso…
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'You wouldn’t be working exactly, just helping': Boss invites employee to exclusive Christmas party, only to pressure her to work the event

'You wouldn’t be working exactly, just helping': Boss invites employee to exclusive Christmas party, only to pressure her to work the event

Has anyone else been fooled by their boss into thinking they were being singled out for something special when in reality, they were just being taken for granted? It's a common occurrence in the workplace, especially during busy times of the year like the Holiday season when people tend to be the most selfish under the guise of graciousness. Now that Thanksgiving has come and gone, many employees have already begun to plan for their office Holiday parties. Few of you are excited, many of you ar…
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'Every conversation with her... leads back to her 5 cats': 25+ Workers who have had enough of "that guy" at their job

'Every conversation with her... leads back to her 5 cats': 25+ Workers who have had enough of "that guy" at their job

There's one in every office. Each business place has that one person who everyone else gives a side-eye to. They probably have some kind of personality quirk that irritates everyone. But it's the kind of thing that you can't go to HR for, because what is HR going to do about issues like “Tina is always breathing too loudly” or “Jack has been heating up three meals a day in the microwave and he lets the microwave count down to the beep each time”? These are minor issues, and we all have to live…
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