

mircomanager workplace discussion employment issues boss antiwork workplace-stories micromanager employment-discussion job work coworkers job seeker workplace Horrible Bosses job interview employment in the workplace - 23474437

'I always put in 8 hours': Micromanaging boss doesn't believe top-performing worker is actually working at home

I've written about this same premise quite a few times in the annals of Fail Blog, but any time your boss is accusing you of doing something despite there being no evidence—and especially when the evidence shows quite the opposite—it's more than likely that they're just projecting their own personality flaws, predispositions, and hidden thoughts. Basically, they're just admitting that if they were in your position, they would be doing the same thing they're accusing you of.
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'I have cost the company $12. I quit': Employee shamed for scanning food item incorrectly, quits on the spot, managers have to scramble

'I have cost the company $12. I quit': Employee shamed for scanning food item incorrectly, quits on the spot, managers have to scramble

Managers who make a big fuss over small mistakes should be careful. Otherwise, they might end up losing all their employees one by one. No one is saying that being detail-oriented on the job is not important. Of course, it's important. But there's a way to motivate employees to pay attention to those details without making them feel like nothing they do is correct. Moreover, it's also equally important (if not more so) to empower your employees and make them feel welcome, at the very least. Her…
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'My entire office... [is] in on this malicious compliance': Bosses take away reimbursement for employees who drive, employees start coming to the office and wasting time

'My entire office... [is] in on this malicious compliance': Stingy bosses take away reimbursement for employees who drive, employees start coming to the office and wasting time

These workers were totally baffled by their employer's decision that is just designed to make their lives harder. Is it dramatic to say that commuting is the worst thing ever? I know there are worse things in the world, of course. But having a lengthy commute five days per week feels like it drains you of your energy. No matter how great the job is, if the commute is too long, you may find yourself groaning each day as you head in to the office. Working in a hybrid role is great---you don't hav…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 23231493

'[I cost them an] annual $300k of business': Worker cheated on raise and bonus, costs employer biggest client

The phrase “tripping over dollars to pick up dimes” has become a popular one in the discourse of online workplace discussion, particularly when it comes to employers holding out on overdue raises and earned bonuses from their top workers, though it has other applications too when it comes to other overly drastic cost-cutting measures in the workplace.
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'This led to them doubling down on their stupidity': Business docks employees' pay for leaving work 59 minutes early, employee calls their bluff and takes them to court

'This led to them doubling down on their stupidity': Business docks employees' pay for leaving work 9 minutes early, employee calls their bluff and takes them to court

This company was great at first, but slowly became too toxic for one employee. Cultivating a professional and pleasant atmosphere in a workplace takes effort from every person in the building. If employees are happy, they'll probably be friendlier, which will make collaboration easy. When employees are dissatisfied at their job, though, cliques start to form between different branches of the business, and employees might harbor resentment towards management . After all, if management is in char…
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opinion ask reddit workplace-stories jobs job funny stories bosses karen-customer work movie theater movies askreddit workplace funny karen opinions Popcorn film The Movies - 23470341

'Your 4 year old can't play on your iPad during the movie': 20+ Moviegoers who were driving the theater employees crazy

Some people do not know how to behave in a movie theater . It seems to be an ongoing problem that's gotten worse post-2020. It's like people were alone for so long during that period that they forgot how to act once they started doing activities outside the house again. Theater patrons have never been perfect. But these days, you can expect to see a half dozen bright cell phone screens in the crowd. It's so strange that people will pay money just to go sit in a theater and stare at their phones…
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'My coworker reported me': Coworker tries to get daycare worker fired, boss almost does until they check security footage

'My coworker reported me': Coworker tries to get daycare worker fired, boss almost does until they check security footage

There's no greater sign of a toxic workplace than having a coworker looking over your shoulder at all times, waiting to see you mess up. Oftentimes, these are the folks who are threatened by someone else's presence, especially someone they think is the competition. However, just as it was in this situation, the employee did virtually nothing wrong and the coworker was just seeing what they wanted to see. To me, this phenomenon feels reminiscent of high school behavior. I remember when a classma…
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'They just put themselves in a world of pain from the IRS': Employee deletes all of client's data per their request, then plays the waiting game

'They just put themselves in a world of pain from the IRS': Employee deletes all of client's data per their request, then plays the waiting game

The IRS are not the ones to mess with. Every American has to bend to the IRS's will. They're the ones who require us to do taxes every single year. Sometimes they'll randomly audit you --this happened to me during one year where I made under $35k, which I honestly found hilarious. Surely they could've found a billionaire to audit and rake in that sweet sweet cash, but they really wanted a little more extra moolah from people like me. That's life in America , though. You may not enjoy it, but wh…
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'Can I get paid all that I would make here in advance?': 20+ crazy questions job candidates actually asked

'Can I get paid all that I would make here in advance?': 20+ crazy questions job candidates actually asked

Who hasn't messed up an interview before? I'm sure we can all agree that everything is a learning experience, and sometimes you have to learn by making mistakes. We all know that mistakes can build character, blah blah blah, but really? If I could go back, I would erase all the mistakes I made in job interviews. I don't think those mistakes led me to where I am today. I think that this line of thinking borders on delusional. The truth is that sometimes, you don't think before you speak and you…
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workplace discussion getting fired employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs fired employment-discussion job work laid off workplace Horrible Bosses lay offs employment in the workplace - 23474181

'I was laid off right before raises and bonuses were due': Worker promised raise and bonus, gets fired instead

Some unfortunate situations in life arise out of mere happenstance or coincidence—but when something unfortunate happens to you that seems just a little too conveniently inconvenient, it can be hard to dismiss it as such. Of course, such thinking gives rise to all sorts of ridiculous conspiracy, but when your employer suddenly fires you just before you're set to receive a huge payout—one that they've been dangling on a stick all year like you're some kind of cartoon donkey—it just seems like th…
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'We were told we weren't using enough twine': Distribution center employees spend 7 hours wrapping an order for their coworkers

'We were told we weren't using enough twine': Distribution center employees spend 7 hours wrapping an order for their constantly complaining coworkers

It's shocking that this person was able to spend seven hours working on just one order. It must have been one of the greatest days on the job for u/Kolandromir, an employee at a distribution center . Package distribution centers can be absolutely massive. The friends I knew who worked at these places described how large they were and how disorganized things were. I never met anyone who stayed at one of these places long term---most people only seem to last a month or three. The turnover rate is…
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'What a complete waste of my time': Manager tries to get employee written up for forgetting to take notes, manager's boss intervenes and fires her

'What a complete waste of my time': Micromanager tries to get employee written up for forgetting to take notes, manager's boss intervenes and fires her

Some managers spend way too much time micromanaging than getting anything productive done. We all know what it's like to have a manager who seemingly has made it their only job to watch you like a hawk. Perhaps that intense vigilance is just in your head… just kidding, you're probably not wrong. Most people with authority like to spend more time flexing that authority than using it for good. In fact, when I have found myself in a position like this employee, I don't even care if the manager use…
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office kitchen Office Party potluck food partying boss workplace-stories jobs job bosses work coworkers workplace entitled entitled people christmas holidays - 23432197

'She got her comeuppance... at the office Christmas potluck': "Susan the Snack Stealer" tries to hoarde food at the office holiday potluck, gets confronted by the entire office

This woman was a notorious food thief… until the office potluck, that is. When someone gains a nickname like “Susan the Snack Stealer,” you can quickly figure out what type of person they are. Clearly, this woman had a reputation around her office. Due to her entitled attitude, she was completely fine with pilfering her coworker's sodas, granola bars, and chocolate. When you're hungry, you don't always make the best decisions. I wonder if Susan felt any remorse after stealing those morsels. It'…
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'Don't mess with Tech Support/Customer Service during the holidays': Call center rep agrees to help customer with false claim of damaged equipment

'Don't mess with Tech Support/Customer Service during the holidays': Call center rep agrees to help customer with false claim of damaged equipment

This person decided to try their luck with a customer service rep , and they picked the wrong person to trifle with. As with many customer service calls, the customer called in and was already pretty upset with the circumstances. This dude requested a technician be sent ASAP, stating that he was having trouble doing business. As a business owner, no doubt that was a stressful scenario. We all know that that customers don't care why his business is being extra slow that day. All they know is tha…
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workplace discussion christmas employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses holidays employment in the workplace quit quitting - 23343877

'I quit': Employee quits after being denied a single day of leave to spend with visiting parents over Christmas

Imagine wanting a single day to spend with your visiting relatives over the holiday period and being told that it's not an option. Unfortunately, it's a reality that many employees face, particularly in sectors like retail, which also happen to be experiencing pumping trade at this time of year, and can't afford to have a single staff member away—primarily due to the appallingly low staffing levels they keep. They regard their authority in this situation to be absolute and—to be fair, it often…
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'I had cost him his job': Worker earns $4000 in overtime after manager orders them to change date format on important files

'I had cost him his job': Worker earns $4000 in overtime after manager orders them to change date format on important files

One manager was left reeling after realizing their demands were wreaking havoc . For that dude, it was way too late to change what he'd already messed up. Having a good work flow is all about knowing what to prioritize . Like if you know your boss starts their morning with a coffee and an email you send a recap email from the day before, you wouldn't start the day by calling clients and ignoring your boss. As much as we dislike thinking about it, our bosses do have important jobs (sometimes), a…
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