

Top 20 Workers who had just one job and still made mistakes (December 31, 2023)

Top 20 Workers who had just one job and still made mistakes (December 31, 2023)

Every job comes with responsibilities, but that's just a suggestion. Who says you have to complete the job you're paid to do every single day? That seems like a lot of work. And since many people don't even like their job, and are underpaid, you get results like the ones below. Sometimes, employees just can't be bothered to do their job correctly. I'm sure they have their reasons. Maybe they're resentful of their boss, perhaps they're tired or distracted, or maybe it's an elaborate performance…
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'I am counting EVERYTHING': Retail worker maliciously complies with supervisor's contradictory instructions

'I am counting EVERYTHING': Retail worker maliciously complies with supervisor's contradictory instructions

If you give unclear, contradictory instructions to your employees, you're just asking for problems. It makes you wonder how these supervisors got promoted in the first place. Clarity is pretty much the most important part of the job, and if you can't do that, you have no business expecting your team to follow you blindly. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by u/Correct_Campaign3707 , who worked on the Member Service team at a retail company and was tasked with ch…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 23106053

'I can't, I'm stuck in traffic': Boss insists presentation given from the office, worker misses it due to traffic

This world is chaos, and the more you try and control it, the more it's going to fly back in your face. As with anything, adding more opportunity for uncertainty in what needs to be a certain situation is eventually going to come and bite you. A commute to the office in a major city is a little bit like that; small traffic incidents can cause a chain reaction that creates delays that can increase your commute time two, three, or even four-fold. Braving the Seattle traffic is a bit like this; I…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace - 23492101

'View the job as a chance to give, not to earn': Out-of-touch executive tells struggling workers to do the job for the love, not the money

Sometimes, you really can't help but wonder if people even listen to the words coming out of their own mouths or if they're so out of touch that they hear and even believe the wildly out-of-touch things that they are saying. The reality is that whether we love, are passionate about, and believe in what we do—or not—is really a moot point. We work for money to provide for ourselves, to put a roof over our families' heads, and to put food on our table. The service, skills, and time that we provid…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace Horrible Bosses employment in the workplace workplace malicious compliance - 23232261

'I just did what she had asked me to do: Boss insists on detailed meeting notes, used as evidence to get them fired

If you're doing something wrong, you normally wouldn't want evidence that you're doing something wrong, and you certainly wouldn't want to order someone to—no, demand that someone—record evidence of your misdeeds. Well, beware of the power of the pen… when meticulous records are kept detailing your “leadership” and just the type of operation you're running: a toxic work environment rife with dismissive attitudes and unwillingness to acknowledge critical issues. Little did this boss know that th…
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'Work tried to punish me. It backfired': Tax associate blamed for not coming in on day off, maliciously complies and ruins boss's reputation

'Work tried to punish me. It backfired': Tax associate blamed for not coming in on day off, maliciously complies and ruins boss's reputation

If your boss fails to find someone to cover for you on your day off, do not take the blame. No matter how much your employer tries to make it seem like this is all your fault, you are entitled to that day off, especially if you gave them as much notice as this employee did. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by u/TheVaneja , who worked as a tax associate and wound up practically running the show at a small office in a Walmart despite not technically being promote…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work i quit quit workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment in the workplace - 23744261

'HR shared what I wrote': Employee's exit interview feedback is paraded around the office by their toxic former boss

One should never give an exit interview, particularly if their employer has demonstrated a complete inability to listen to advice or honest feedback—and especially if they've shown a willingness to retaliate against someone giving that feedback. Even if you complete an exit interview and provide feedback with the best of intentions, you may just be burning a bridge you had no intention of burning once they've had some time to think about it.
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'He showed me other peoples' paystubs': 25+ Job-seekers who spotted red flags at their interviews

'He showed me other peoples' paystubs': 25+ Job-seekers who spotted red flags at their interviews

Go with your gut during your next job interview . These people did, and it saved some of them from terrible jobs. A lot of times as we're seeking a new job , we may feel a sense of desperation. If you're at a toxic job looking for something better, you might overlook the red flags you notice during your interviews. And if you're unemployed, the thought of looming bills and rent payments might cause you to jump at the first place that offers you a position. Sometimes you can spot red flags just…
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'The fire extinguisher is NOT part of the puzzle': 40 Escape room escapades that caught the employees by surprise

'The fire extinguisher is NOT part of the puzzle': 40 Escape room escapades that caught the employees by surprise

These escape room employees have seen it all. As they surveille the escape room their group of players are in, they've noticed that some people don't play by the rules . In fact, quite a lot of people just act like they've never learned how to follow directions. In case you aren't familiar with escape rooms , fear not: they're not as dramatic as the name may sound. They're a type of immersive puzzle game. Usually, a group of two or more people will visit a themed escape room, and are given an h…
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pro revenge workplace-stories toxic-workplace petty-revenge-reddit revenge revenge-stories petty revenge workplace Horrible Bosses revenge-stories-reddit - 23744517

'I knew everything': Poor treatment of previous employee costs business $1,000,000 contract when they're assigned to manage the account

It's not personal; it's just business—a phrase you'll hear only when someone has decided to treat you quite poorly or has gone back on their word and is hoping that these simple words will prevent you from retaliating. The more accurate truth is that business is personal—it relies on trust and established relationships. And when you've established that you can't be trusted and have a habit of disregarding your relationships —well, don't be surprised when people no longer want to do business wit…
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'Our manager said we shouldn't be talking about our wages': Employee goes to HR after fiery argument with manager over discussing pay

'Our manager said we shouldn't be talking about our wages': Employee goes to HR after fiery argument with manager over discussing pay

Never go to HR to resolve a dispute between you and your manager; unless there are special circumstances, HR will likely side against you. The reasoning behind this is simple: HR is not there to be an objective mediator. They are there to protect the company at all costs. If that means sacrificing a few low-level employees at the company, then that's exactly what they will do. Of course, there are exceptions, and occasionally HR will fire managers but not because of their inappropriate behavior…
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workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job work i quit quit workplace Horrible Bosses quitting employment in the workplace - 2297095

'They threatened to fire me': Management finds worker's Glassdoor review after they quit

The practice of necessitating and checking job referrals during the interview process creates a system in which an employer can provide feedback about a worker's performance and contribution during their time in the company's employ. Sure, the candidate themselves often needs to volunteer the points of contact, but when certain key periods of employment are omitted in a candidate's references… it's easy for a hiring manager to read between the lines. So what, then, is an employee able to do to…
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‘Everyone was bitter about it’: Boss refuses to pay employees for mandatory work trip

‘Everyone was bitter about it’: Boss refuses to pay employees for mandatory work trip

There are so many problematic layers to this tale of a horrible boss and her underpaid employees. Not only were they pressured to attend a mandatory unpaid work trip, but also they were threatened with retaliation if they failed to go. Furthermore, when the employees arrived, they learned that they were expected to share hotel rooms with their coworkers. And here comes the best part: in each room, two coworkers were given one bed to share. It doesn’t get more lawsuit-worthy than that. Now, did…
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boss antiwork workplace-stories employee manager job hunt work bad jokes employer hiring workplace resume funny unemployed job application - 23619589

"It included how much he could bench': 25 employers share what applicants put on their resume that immediately disqualified them

Tailoring your resume when applying for a job can be intimidating. What is the hiring manager looking for? Are all of your bullet points from your job three years ago still relevant? Should you include that skill that you're really good at but doesn't really pertain to the role? All of these questions can make you second-guess yourself over and over, especially if you really want the gig . Well, there should be a clear line on things that aren't acceptable to include, like your Tinder profile,…
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'He stole a bunch of bananas. Seriously.': 25+ Managers who had unbelievable reasons for firing an employee

'He stole a bunch of bananas. Seriously.': 25+ Managers who had unbelievable reasons for firing an employee

Managers never want to have to tell an employee they're being let go , but sometimes their hand is forced. If the employee is talking back to customers or caught on camera stealing money out of the till, sometimes the manager will have to fire them for the good of the company. When u/edge231 asked, “Managers of Reddit, what is the stupidest thing an employee did that forced you to fire them?” there were over 15,000 people who chimed in with their craziest stories. Folks, today I learned a fasci…
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‘Let go after one day’: New receptionist pressured to work longer shift on first day, gets fired after standing up to boss

‘Let go after one day’: New receptionist pressured to work longer shift on first day, gets fired after standing up to boss

Typically when you accept a position, you and your new employer have agreed upon some set rules and expectations that neither party is meant to violate. In non-toxic work environments, we call this a contract. But in toxic work environments around the world, contracts tend to not matter to awful employers. When this happens, do not forget your power as an employee, even if you’re a new employee, to stand your ground. This thread was posted to Reddit by u/marora25 , who was hired primarily as a…
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