

Fast food chain informs employees their tip money will be used for group activities, but fail to mention those are for management only: ‘We're basically funding their day off'

Fast food chain informs employees their tip money will be used for group activities, but fail to mention those are for management only: ‘We're basically funding their day off'

Group activities within a company are basically a must these days. Every company (well, most companies), wants their employees to have a good relationship with each other, and for their employees to feel their work is being appreciated, and a fun activity outside of the office is often the way for companies to do just that. So if a big fast food chain tells their employees their tip money will be used for group activities, you would expect those activities to be extremely luxurious, since the e…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs job malicious compliance work workplace workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace - 35311365

Employee told to stand by for reassignment, does for 19 months until they run into their boss who asks them where they're working now: 'You should have seen her face'

People think that their managers don't do any work, merely attending an ever-increasing number of meetings every day, ad infinitum, pretending that they have enough on their plate that they couldn't possibly help you with anything else. But, one of the most challenging parts of a manager's job is ensuring that their team members have enough work to do themselves and not—you know—faffing around all day and enjoying a peaceable existence… All the while not doing a whole lot of actual work themsel…
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'Sorry, boss. I got other plans': Boss confronts employee about not attending weekend work party, employee tells boss to reschedule work events for the actual work day

'Sorry, boss. I got other plans': Boss confronts employee about not attending weekend work party, employee tells boss to reschedule work events for the actual work day

Socializing with one's coworkers is important, but why does it have to take up so much of one's personal time? Sure, these events are typically not in the office. They might be at a bar, a restaurant, or the boss's home, which is ten times nicer than anything you could ever afford. The reality of the matter is that regardless of location, you're still networking with your coworkers. You're still on the job. It doesn't matter if food and drink are on the company because your time is actively bei…
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'You really can't win with her': Top Infuriating Coworker Stories of the Week (June 9, 2024)

'You really can't win with her': Top Infuriating Coworker Stories of the Week (June 9, 2024)

Every office has an infuriating coworker, and they can really be the difference between a perfectly average day at work and the worst day of your life. This week, we have a variety of difficult team members that range from the entitled to the chaotic. The entitled ones tend to boss you around even when they are just slightly senior according to the company hierarchy. The chaotic ones, however, can be even worse, as these stories will show. Sometimes, you actually befriend your chaotic coworker,…
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Employee skillfully complies with micromanager's demands for complete access to personal schedule by erasing everything from calendar before granting access

Employee skillfully complies with micromanager's demands for complete access to personal schedule by erasing everything from calendar before granting access

We somehow muster the strength to report to work every day, seven days a week. We work very hard at our occupations so that we are capable of a fair standard of living. Thus, it may be said that even though their justifications may differ, the employer and employee have a common goal in mind: producing high-quality material. The story below is an account of a frustrated employee. The dispute between the original poster (OP) and his micromanager is discussed. After the micromanager started track…
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‘I got to spend the next hour cleaning up 96 broken eggs’: 20+ “I don’t get paid enough for this” moments that made people rethink their jobs

‘I got to spend the next hour cleaning up 96 broken eggs’: 20+ “I don’t get paid enough for this” moments that made people rethink their jobs

It’s a thought that crosses everyone’s mind at times: “ I don’t get paid enough to deal with this nonsense.” Some days at work make you take out your phone calculator to figure out how much you’re getting paid by the minute or second. When you’ve had an off day, it’s easy to start fantasizing about future careers that’ll line your pockets better. A lot of times, the most physically demanding jobs also pay the least. Jobs where you’re dealing with fuming customers also seem to pay peanuts. Meanw…
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‘I gave him an offer he couldn’t refuse': Hiring manager stands up to HR in order to secure an offer for an unexpected internal worker, resulting in worker doubling his salary

‘I gave him an offer he couldn’t refuse': Hiring manager stands up to HR in order to secure an offer for an unexpected internal worker, resulting in worker doubling his salary

We all know how negative the stories about bosses and managers can be when it comes to Reddit. It is a safe space to vent, complain, and plot petty revenge against those who are in charge of the way our workplaces… well, work. It seems that for every genuinely good manager out there, there are around 10 bad ones, and those are usually the ones we read about on Reddit. However, this Reddit story is like no other, as it comes to show that there are still good managers out there, who even go out o…
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‘Why me?!’: Employee escapes first round of dismissals, only to find out that 80% of his team has been fired

‘Why me?!’: Employee escapes first round of dismissals, only to find out that 80% of his team has been fired

One of the cruelest and most difficult arenas to succeed in is the corporate world. Nobody considers your particular background, objectives, or preferences. You are only a pawn in an incredibly laborious, protracted game of chess. The following is an account of a bewildered employee who survived the first round of layoffs. For a significant duration, the original poster (OP) was employed by the same company. Having said that, OP certifies that he isn't the most outstanding worker and is unworth…
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Video content creator gets unfairly fired, hatches plan to trick boss into a year's worth of pay: 'My former manager was so desperate'

Video content creator gets unfairly fired, hatches plan to trick boss into a year's worth of pay: 'My former manager was so desperate'

Here's a rule of thumb: try not to unjustly fire someone with the specialized skills you so desperately need. That's what this manager learned the hard way. She hired a video content creator to be a one-man team for all of the social videos for an entire university. Despite numerous attempts to convey to his manager that the KPIs she and the director had set were unfair, this employee was not listened to in the slightest. In fact, his manager was convinced she could get someone better to finish…
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'That is what optional means': Foreman surprised when a single employee refuses to work unpaid overtime

'That is what optional means': Foreman surprised when a single employee refuses to work unpaid overtime

Standing up to those in power is a risky move! One electrical worker knows that all too well after they found themself in the unenviable position of being the one speaking truth to power. This person was only able to talk to their boss openly because their workplace has a union. U/algy888 was an electrical worker, and on this project, they got a “super fun” opportunity to install lights on the stairs in movie theaters . First of all, thank you for your service: someone's got to put in those lig…
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‘I'm owed hundreds of dollars in unpaid wages’: Employee cleverly gets boss to admit he is cutting off wages by rounding the time clock to benefit the corporation

‘I'm owed hundreds of dollars in unpaid wages’: Employee cleverly gets boss to admit he is cutting off wages by rounding the time clock to benefit the corporation

There is nothing more satisfying than managing to get someone to admit they are doing something wrong, or even at the very least, to get written proof of the wrongdoing, so you can do something to actively fix it. The boss in this Reddit story didn't actually admit they were doing anything wrong, but the employee still counts the conversation as a victory. OP (original poster), has noticed that her pay does not match the hours she clocked in at work, and then she discovered it was because her b…
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workplace discussion workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion hr job malicious compliance work human resources workplace Horrible Bosses bad bosses workplace malicious compliance employment in the workplace pregnancy women in the workplace motherhood pregnant - 35261957

Boss declines pregnant employee's requests for accommodation a week before her due date, HR steps in and grants her leave immediately

It's often said that HR is never on your side, but is merely there to maintain an equilibrium that will prevent the organization from opening itself to vulnerability or liability. They are there to manage the “human” resources of the company, and—well, that's you . Still, in instances where you're dealing with someone in the organization—be it a boss, coworker, or other party—who is so incredibly off base with their actions or reasoning, then it just makes sense to go to HR and help them see yo…
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Employee discovers work tracker on laptop, confronts shady managers: 'Please select why you were away from your computer'

Employee discovers work tracker on laptop, confronts shady managers: 'Someone somewhere is watching idle time carefully'

No one enjoys feeling watched at work. Sure, your manager is meant to monitor your progress and your ability to complete tasks and responsibilities on time. That being said, installing spyware to track things like idle time on one's work laptop for even the shortest of breaks is a bit excessive, to say the least. This employee was in the middle of a Teams meeting when he was prompted by a pop-up on his work laptop to answer why he stepped away from his computer. His managers claimed they had no…
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‘Why did you went through my belongings?’: Employee leaves her paychecks on personal office desk, only to discover her coworker found and showed them to the rest of the office

‘Why did you went through my belongings?’: Employee leaves her paychecks on personal office desk, only to discover her coworker found and showed them to the rest of the office

Everyone wants to have a good relationship with their coworkers. Some employees spend more time with their coworkers than they do with their actual spouses, and being able to consider those people as great friends is extremely important to the work experience. That is why, like any other relationship in your life, you should treat your coworker with respect, so that you can all feel comfortable around each other in the office. Unfortunately, that is not the case with the coworkers in this Reddi…
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‘How do I get out of this?’: Job candidate lies to hiring manager about having a counteroffer to get a higher salary, leading to manager asking for proof of the offer

‘How do I get out of this?’: Job candidate lies to hiring manager about having a counteroffer to get a higher salary, leading to manager asking for proof of the offer

When one starts looking for a job, there are numerous ways to increase the chances of finding the best job out there. One can even find actual online courses on how to job search, which include lessons like – how to write resumes, prepare for an interview, negotiate the salary, and so on. One tip that you hear quite a lot when it comes to negotiating your salary, is to say to the hiring manager that you actually got another offer that is higher than what they offered, in hopes that the hiring m…
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'He can't justify giving me a raise': Two-faced boss gives employee glowing mid-year review, then denies him a raise for not going "above and beyond"

'He can't justify giving me a raise': Two-faced boss gives employee glowing mid-year review, then denies him a raise for not going "above and beyond"

Duplicitous managers may praise you one moment and then come up with every excuse under the sun to not give you a raise the next. We've all had managers like this. You know, the ones who don't seem to understand that giving someone a raise means that they have been performing their primary responsibilities well. It does not mean going above and beyond and doing extra, unpaid labor. That wouldn't necessarily be a raise, then. It would be overdue compensation for responsibilities that are already…
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