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'He quit a few weeks later': Manager tries to humiliate security guard, quits when it backfires

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'My coworker got suspended because of me': Employee calls out coworker for behavior toward cleaning lady, HR steps in

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'Have fun with unemployment': Karen coworker fires herself by refusing to do her job

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'The questions on these applications are wild': Employer asks if job applicants are willing to wait nearly six months to get paid, internet reacts

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'Two petty victories over Finance Karen': Employee finds loophole in company's travel reimbursement policy, goes over HR's head to get approved

AITA for not picking up an extra shift. Even after my boss sent her husband (cop) to give me a lifted?

Update: 'I called the labor department': CNA reports her job after boss randomly sends police to her house to pick her up for an unscheduled shift

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'I'm losing my sanity': Worker expresses frustration about their "office prankster" coworker, sparking online discussion

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Update! 'My old GM has been trying to contact me on every social platform': Employee quits, boss won't stop trying to get her back

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'He responded by adding more workload': Worker quits when boss gives them more work after they complain about their workload

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'I eventually quit': Manager insists on doing things their way because of their age... despite having less experience

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'We don't have to let you guys take tips': Manager participates in tip pool, employees band together to retaliate

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‘Boss demands fauxductivity’: Employee reprimanded for being efficient, boss requires more work for same pay

'She was unprofessional; she got fired’: Karen inaccurately audits employees' calls, refuses to recheck scores, gets fired

'She was unprofessional; she got fired’: Karen inaccurately audits employees' calls, refuses to recheck scores, gets fired

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'Boss is forcing everyone to come in on a Sunday': Manager schedules mandatory 'deep clean' on the weekend, pays in cash for extra hours

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10+ Red Flags From Employers That You Might Not Recognize Immediately

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'I am in dress code': Boss shortsightedly bans shorts but not kilts