

'You can't use your phone': Company refuses to let workers without ‘management title’ to use phones; contractor stops working, employees follow his lead, costing company $100,000

'You can't use your phone': Company refuses to let workers without ‘management title’ to use phones; contractor stops working, employees follow his lead, costing company $100,000

Companies just don't get it. They simply don't understand that in order to work peacefully with the people they employ, they need to stop forcing employees to heed rules that are so out of place, it isn't even funny. When companies hire contractors, they take into account that this is no regular, run-of-the-mill employee who works on the company's payroll, receiving wages and benefits in exchange for following work guidelines. No, no, contractors are much different. See, a contractor is a separ…
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'Thank you so much for firing me': People share how they burned bridges on their last day of work

'Thank you so much for firing me': People share how they burned bridges on their last day of work

Some of us are people pleasers and could never imagine causing drama on our last day at a job, but others feel that they have nothing left to lose. Honestly, power to these individuals. I could never motivate myself to be that savage, even if I were completely in the right. I've been candid about the experience as a whole, certainly. If I have an exit interview, I do believe that affords employees on their way out with a healthy opportunity to professionally discuss the issues within their plac…
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'I was the one that paid the $500': Server forced to pay the bill after table of 11 dines and dashes

'I was the one that paid the $500': Server forced to pay the bill after table of 11 dines and dashes

The most infuriating part of this story is how common this phenomenon seems to be among other servers. Several folks in the comments section of this Reddit thread pointed out that they too would be forced to pay up if any of their customers dined and dashed at a restaurant. Not only is this completely unfair, but this kind of policy is certainly not going to create a sense of loyalty among the restaurant staff. The underlying concept here is that it's the server's fault for allowing customers t…
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'Printed the proof... and walked straight out': 20+ People who quit their jobs on the spot

'Printed the proof... and walked straight out': 20+ People who quit their jobs on the spot

When you're pushed too far, sometimes you just can't take the heat anymore. These workers know the feeling all too well, and they shared the moments that were the final straw before they quit their job on the spot. As much as you try to vet a company before you join, you just don't know what your job will really be like. You can keep an eye out for red flags during the interview process, but you won't really know what it's like until you spend a few weeks emailing with your boss or calling clie…
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'[He] left a 1 star review': Movie-goer insists on buying tickets to action movie at a closed down theater

'[He] left a 1 star review': Movie-goer insists on buying tickets to action movie at a closed down theater

Since the invention of the online star rating system, people have been leaving one star reviews for companies they had poor experiences at. But as you certainly know if you ever peruse these reviews, a lot of people have a bad time due to self-inflicted mishaps. Some actually have the gall to get upset that a store is closed at a time the customer wants to shop. Others rant about being treated badly by staff members, or receiving cold food at a restaurant. There are plenty of reasons you might…
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'I just sent that to my entire team': Employee photoshops boss's face on photo of his entire family as a joke, then accidentally sends it to the whole team

'I just sent that to my entire team': Employee photoshops boss's face on photo of his entire family as a joke, then accidentally sends it to the whole team

There are some people in this world who would save themselves a whole lot of embarrassment if they just didn't have phones. Today, we're talking about the technologically incompetent folks who accidentally send the wrong message to the wrong person. These are the people who accidentally spoil surprises or reveal their true feelings to the very person they are insulting. We feel that this is a relatively common phenomenon that we can discuss freely and openly, especially considering that yours t…
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workplace-stories talesfromretail in-the-workplace toxic-workplace workplace-story manager retail retail worker managers workplace Horrible Bosses tales-from-retail - 21977093

'[My boss] was walked out by two cops': Thieving fraudster retail manager gets arrested when their employee finally gets even

What do you do when your manager is a thieving fraudster, and their boss refuses to listen because, on paper, your manager is getting good results? This is something you'll likely come across during the long course of your career, and you might be dismayed to find yourself powerless in the position. Heck, most bosses will be willing to look the other way for someone who is performing high in whatever KPI upper management is currently prioritizing… Just as long as things look good and people are…
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"We want another server now': Waiter ignores customers for hours

'We want another server now': Waiter ignores customers for hours after they insult staff members

This waiter works at an upscale place where the customers are used to getting whatever they desire. As many waiters will tell you, working at high end restaurants can be intense, but it's worth it for the giant tips that some rich folks will leave. Part of the intensity is working with people who are used to snapping their fingers and immediately getting what they want. These customers aren't patient, and some of them view wait staff as beneath them. The customer u/grayson1228 served seems part…
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'Sorry boss, that's a managers job': Boss tells employee not to take on extra work, employee maliciously complies and boss's incompetence starts to show

'Sorry boss, that's a managers job': Boss tells employee not to take on extra work, employee maliciously complies and boss's incompetence starts to show

Sometimes, bosses become so reliant on their employees' contributions that they don't even recognize how hopeless they'd be without them. This boss clearly became threatened by how much extra work her employee was taking on regularly, so the two had a meeting where the boss told the employee not to take on any manager's responsibilities. Normally, this would actually be great advice. There is no need for an employee to work that hard and not get paid extra for it. However, that's not exactly wh…
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Top Painfully Awkward LinkedIn Flops for Employees 'Embracing' Team Morale

Top Painfully Awkward LinkedIn Flops for Employees 'Embracing' Team Morale

So cringe
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workplace-stories toxic-workplace workplace-story nurse tales-from-the-workplace work doctor who workplace healthcare-worker healthcare - 22066181

'I will be filing an ethics complaint': Boss wants healthcare worker to work overtime, doesn't want to pay for it

If only there was some way that I could get more work from my employees without having to pay them for it… A thought that every employer has apparently had at some point during the operation of their business. Of course, the simplest solution to getting more work done without increasing costs would be just to find some way to get your employees to work more hours without paying them. After all, more hours equals more productivity… If only those pesky employees didn't expect to be paid! While yo…
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Update: 'I will not be following up': Boss asks employee to write impossible report before he leaves the company, employee proves it was a bad idea

Update: 'I will not be following up': Boss asks employee to write impossible report before he leaves the company, employee proves it was a bad idea

Most employees hope to be appreciated and valued while they're happily employed at a company, but the unfortunate reality of the working world is that employers often don't understand that value until they're about to lose you. When that happens, all of a sudden your contributions to the company seem so important that your bosses become increasingly afraid of what the workflow will be like in your absence. As we said, it's a very self-involved line of thinking, since you've been hoping for vali…
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workplace-stories employment-discussion work workplace Horrible Bosses employment - 21774085

'Another manager [who] won't believe their worker could be sick': Tutor who was told they have to come into work while sick makes their boss regret their decision

For some reason, employers become extremely cynical whenever their employees need a day off work, even if the cause given is something extremely plausible (and statistically likely), such as the contraction of the flu during the height of flu season. It's almost as if it's a projection of the employer what they themself would do if placed in the employee's position. “Surely,” [Employer] reasons. “[Worker] must be making it up to skip out on their work duties.” For they, too, would have done so…
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'I got laid off saying I wasn't necessary': Employee develops startup for two years, was promised shared, gets laid off right before the company launch

'I got laid off': Employee develops startup for two years, was promised shares, gets laid off right before the company launch

Imagine developing a startup for two years only to get fired right before the company is officially registered. As upsetting as this situation may be, we've seen employers behave this way before so we cannot say that we're surprised by this. When it comes to startups in particular, we know this kind of shady behavior is pervasive. What's especially upsetting, in this instance, is that the developer seems to be integral to the success of said startup. In fact, his work was not only an integral i…
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'She doesn't work here': Karen shames woman's outfit at the grocery store, thinks she's an employee, demands to speak with manager

'She doesn't work here': Karen shames woman's outfit at the grocery store, thinks she's an employee, demands to speak with the manager

Just imagine the amount of embarrassment this lady could have avoided if she just minded her own business. When I'm at the grocery store, I have one purpose: to get what I need as quickly as possible and as cheaply as possible, yet some people have way too much time on their hands. So much time, in fact, that they can confront other shoppers and insult the way they dress. This Karen felt entitled to do so because she was convinced that the other woman was an employee at the store. The woman, of…
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'I remind him since he hasn't sent me the contract I don't work for him yet': Former boss tries to squeeze free labor out of ex-employee

'I remind him since he hasn't sent me the contract I don't work for him yet': Former boss tries to squeeze free labor out of ex-employee

Bosses never know what they've got until you're gone. This dude was one of those non-profit employers who assigned the amount of work a salaried employee would complete to an intern without paying them properly. That intern eventually pursued a career in a similar field and would go on to receive a graduate degree years later. Seven years following that joke of an internship, his former boss reached out and asked for his help with some grant writing. Now that OP worked regularly as an independe…
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