workplace discussion

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IT employee maliciously complies to new boss's autocratic dress code: '[I wore] hi-vis polo shirts'

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Corporate agency demands more detailed timesheets, worker charges all their bureaucratic tasks, gets time off as a result: 'They freaked out'

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Worker forced to attend boring training, uses instructor's lesson against them: '[He said] I was being unreasonable'

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IT worker charges 16 hours to 2 hour job when management instates new painstaking time-logging system: '[The] client refused to pay'

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Worker denied 2 days of leave because of strict policy, follows same policy and gets a month off instead: 'It was a great month'

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'No': Middle manager demands contractor attend "mandatory" meeting, contractor replies with a simple "no"

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'My raise was 0.5%': Plant operator quiet quits after receiving "insulting" low raise

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'It’s satisfying watching the management scramble': IT department brought to a standstill when upper management decides they need to approve everything

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Employer contacts employee 6 months after firing them asking for their password: 'This just makes me giggle'

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Worker laments the firing of their 'crucial' supervisor who was leading their already understaffed team: 'I might just quit soon'

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'No exceptions!': IT Manager says "no overtime," has to drive to site in the middle of the night to fix emergency himself when team complies

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Boss says "no overtime" after accusing employee of "time theft," employee gladly maliciously complies: 'She denies ever saying this'

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'Hand over all my tasks so you can get rid of me? Ok!': IT Manager successfully lands $200k payout when new boss plots their redundancy

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Boss demands insanely detailed leave requests before approving leave: 'If we're traveling he wants flight numbers and times'

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'She fired me today [for bringing] this up': Boss reads employee's emails, writes responses impersonating them, fires them for calling her out

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Company suffers massive financial hardship after forcing out irreplaceable worker: 'The [department] racked up eight-figure losses'