work stories

job company Horrible Bosses Reddit work work stories reddit thread toxic-workplace toxic-work-environment workplace-stories - 24350981

'So you work with Dolores Umbridge?’: Manager uses entire budget to make the office pink, employees retaliate

'Pay up': Client refuses to pay catering service, leaving company with $2000 expenses, client demands they cater another event

'Pay up': Client refuses to pay catering service, leaving company with $2000 expenses, client demands they cater another event

‘I love it when karma kicks in’: Server denied scheduled raise, starts acting her wage, boss forced to reconsider

‘I love it when karma kicks in’: Server denied scheduled raise, starts acting her wage, boss forced to reconsider

'I refuse to PAY YOU to get a [...] job': Recruiter asks candidate to pay $3750 for an offer

'I refuse to PAY YOU to get a job': Recruiter asks candidate to pay $3750 for an offer

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30+ Workers who love their jobs share why: 'It's all about the people and the management'

'12 out of 16, including myself, quit': 15+ satisfying quitting stories where an entire group walked out together

'12 out of 16, including myself, quit': 15+ satisfying quitting stories where an entire group walked out together

Employee gets back at jealous coworker for critiquing their every move: 'Petty? Yes. Worth it? Definitely!'

Employee gets back at jealous coworker for critiquing their every move: 'Petty? Yes. Worth it? Definitely!'

‘You ask and you shall receive’: After failing in his attempt to overshadow the waitress and impress his date, customer spends the entire evening eating out of to-go bags

‘You ask and you shall receive’: After failing in his attempt to overshadow the waitress and impress his date, customer spends the entire evening eating out of to-go bags

'Finally, I would be rid of him': Guy deletes all disrespectful coworker's contributions to the company as long-awaited payback

'Finally, I would be rid of him': Guy deletes all disrespectful coworker's contributions to the company as long-awaited payback

'Boss [is] listening to private conversations': Toxic boss plants secret security camera, records employees' side conversations

'Boss [is] listening to private conversations': Toxic boss plants secret security camera, recording employees at work

'Let me do my job': Karen refuses to listen to employee's advice, ends up getting zero coverage

'Let me do my job': Karen refuses to listen to insurance employee's advice, ends up getting zero coverage

'You must be on camera 100% of the time': Guy gets fired two hours into new job, gets roasted online

'You must be on camera 100% of the time': Guy gets fired two hours into new job, gets roasted online

'I don't know how that makes sense from a business perspective': Employee discovers loophole in company's time-tracking policy, extending sick leave

'I don't know how that makes sense from a business perspective': Employee discovers loophole in company's time-tracking policy, extending sick leave

'I am fully aware I'm not liked here': Employee quits in petty email exchange after their weekend schedule is repeatedly disregarded

'I am fully aware I'm not liked here': Employee quits in petty email exchange after their weekend schedule is repeatedly disregarded

'These four paid unused vacation days will cost you THOUSANDS': Manager denies worker's vacation, claiming new rule in unpublished employee handbook

'These four paid unused vacation days will cost you THOUSANDS': Manager denies worker's vacation, claiming new rule in unpublished employee handbook

'We are going to part ways effective immediately': Employee fired for scheduling emergency appointment with oncologist

'We are going to part ways effective immediately': Employee fired for scheduling emergency appointment with oncologist