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Gen X imparts valuable advice they wish they'd known as a youngster: 'Too much partying, not enough traveling'

Shoulda, coulda, woulda…
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'Booking directly through their website [instead of VRBO] saved us $1500': 24 Life tips that are so smart, they feel illegal

Who was always the person who gave you the best advice? Was it your grizzled high school sports coach? Was it your wild college best friend? Or was it someone more traditional like your cargo-short-clad, dear ol' dad?
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'When I tried to cancel HBO, they offered me an 80% discount [to stay]': 18 Life tips that are so smart, they feel illegal

From smelly feet to insomnia, we've got the pro tips to solve all the weirdest problems you never knew you had
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sign jokes

Restaurant Sign Is Full Of Lasting Jokes And Insight

Thanks, sign.
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Quotes That Changed The Way People Looked At Things

Sweet, sweet insight.
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Man describes 10 things that he learned from 20 years of marriage.

Man Shares 10 Things He Learned From 20 Years Of Marriage

Marriage can sure teach you a lot.
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A collection of people's shower thoughts that really made people think | r/Showerthoughts posted by leftmostpuddle Technically alarm tone is theme song as starts every episode

Shower Thoughts That Melted Minds

The shower's just that place to stew over all the weird stuff in life.
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An emotional post about enjoying your time alive | r/GetMotivated Posted by u/mylasttie true wolf 4y 79 S 1 [Text] Soon will be gone forever, but 's okay as long as someone reads this Health Fitness am only 24 years old, yet have actually already chosen my last tie s one will wear on my funeral few months now may not match my suit, but think 's perfect occasion.

Emotional Post About Enjoying Your Time On Earth

Too many feels.
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Intentionally bad life pro tips that will help people by not helping them at all | @Michael1979 Tech tip people who are not as good at computers as Let's say find handy webpage want return later. Instead memorising address every time, write on post- note and stick computer so can quickly type next time. Easy! e https en. Wiki/Horse spaces, all one word Horse WIKIPEDIA Co

Bad Life Pro Tips For The Existential Crisis

More fuel for the existential crisis fire.
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Twitter users share things that they learned in their 20s | tweet by Michael m @quickbear Don't blindly trust doctors. Do own research, advocate yourself My20sTaughtMe

Lessons People Learned In Their 20s

Our 20s can be quite the rollercoaster.
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Guy texts random stranger number neighbor and he gets advice on love.

Guy Gets Intense Love Wisdom from Number Neighbor

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Terry Pratchett quote about gods

20 Terry Pratchett Quotes

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shower thought about grooms not going dress shopping with their brides

A Full Tub Of 30 Shower Thoughts To Deep Soak You With Wisdom

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Jean-Luc Picard Shares His Vast Wisdom In 18 Images

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Keanu Reeves' Answer About What Happens When We Die Goes Viral

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9 Bits Of Childhood Wisdom We Can All (Try) To Live By

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