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No Matter How Boring Watching Disc Golf Sounds, Seeing Someone Toss a 2 on a Par-6 is Amazing to Watch

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There's a 25ft Tall Minion in Indiana and the Town Loves it

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Don't Worry This Amazing Ghostbusters Remake is Made Entirely of LEGOs (and a Few Hilarious Crossover Cameos)

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Eminem Portrait on My Canvas Already, Mom’s Spaghetti

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People on the Internet Refuse to Let This Girl Have Another Lonely Birthday

Forget a Resume, This Office MacGuyver Will Improve Your Office ASAP

Forget a Resume, This Office MacGuyver Will Improve Your Office ASAP

A Spot on WIN

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Square Enix Partners with Acclaimed Prosthetics Creator 'Open Bionics' to Create Version of Prosthetic Hand Adam Jensen Uses in Deus Ex

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No Big Deal, Just Flying a Wingsuit Over an Active Volcano

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This is Some Incredibly Beautiful Drone Footage of Base Jumping in Norway

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USA Finally Gets Revenge for Canada's Part in the War of 1812

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Grab Your Glow Sticks and Listen to This Kick-Ass Orchestra Play Darude's 'Sandstorm'

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Listen to This Retired Aerospace Engineer Shock the Judges With His Drowning Pool's Cover

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Watch Greek Soccer Player Maniatis Nail a Goal From His Own Half

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BAMF Stuntwoman Completed 'American Ninja Warrior' Dressed as Wonder Woman Because Duh

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Guy Defies the Impossible and Plays Skyrim with a Potato, Cause Why Not?