
cover image of failed photoshop, funny

21 Idiotic Photoshop Fails That Bent Physics and Broke Anatomy

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23 Translation Fails That Buried English and Spit on Its Grave

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Bizarre UFO Sighting At Sunset Leaves People Stumped

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Man's Story About His Strangest Neighbor Takes Unexpectedly Wholesome Twist

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We Might Finally Have Proof Of Teleportation Thanks To This Kid And BBC News

images that make you wonder if we are indeed living in a matrix simulation, and it has minor glitches

17 Glitches In The Matrix Caught On Camera To Make You Have A Braingasm

Uncomfortable Images

29 Uncomfortable Images That'll Make You Go "Thank You, I Hate It"

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25 Freaky Things People Found After They Bought a House

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21 Outlandish Cursed Images Better Suited For A Demonic Underworld

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22 Amazing Achievements People Can't Bring up in Normal Conversation

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30 Of The Strangest Job Interview Questions Prospective Employees Have Encountered

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18 Absolutely Horrendous Haircuts To Amuse Your Uncomfortable Soul

PETA makes up new expressions and idioms

PETA Unveils List Of Animal-Friendly Idioms To Avoid Speciesism

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17 Shook People Share the Most Lawfully Evil Things They've Ever Seen

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16 Images Oversaturated With Awkward To Give You Cringe-Induced Palpitations

customer service wtf cringe Awkward freakout ridiculous Target weird - 7272453

20 Target Employees Share The Worst Incidents They've Seen With The Giant Red Balls In Front Of The Store