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If the internet was a newspaper, Web Comics would be the funnies pages that people go for when it first shows up at their doorstep early in the morning.

I Don't Need This

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Via jillianfleck

There are Two Kinds of Engagement Stories

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Via extrafabulouscomics

I Have No Son

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Via AJLwashere

The Walls Have Flesh

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Via Cyanide and Happiness

Why Don't You Check on Him, Mary. He's YOUR Son

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Via sanscomics

Now They Know

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Via @dami_lee

Being an Alien Doesn't Make You a Nerd

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Via blazersatdawn

Workplace Translations

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Via fincur

This Isn't Over

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Via justsayeh
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Work Related Web Comics to Help You Make It Through Monday

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Survive the Chaos of Black Friday by Staying Home and Reading These Web Comics Instead

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Every Ducking Time

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Via kevstees

All the First Date Questions Are Already Answered on His Facebook

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Via howireally

We Have An Untapped Resource at Our Feet

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Via mrlovenstein

If Every Moment is So Precious, Why Can't We Just Enjoy Our Dinner?

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Via lunarbaboon

Now Tell Him You Have to Leave, and Buy Flowers on the Way Home

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Via cheerupemokid

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