
upper management

'I booked 6 hours of overtime': Worker complies with supervisor's request to park bike in designated spot, leading to 6 hours overtime

'I booked 6 hours of overtime': Worker complies with supervisor's request to park bike in designated spot, leading to 6 hours overtime

Corporations like to hire Karens; don't ask me why… It's an enigma I could never make sense of. But a Karen can only fool so many until he or she hits an inevitable roadblock in the form of a regular, run-of-the-mill employee who makes an attempt to address the toxic culture the Karen has created. Every now and then, such an employee will interrupt the Karen's attempts at making them follow some rule created by a corporate suit 15 years ago. In this particular instance, a Karen joined a deliver…
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'I couldn't train them': New hires don't take printing job seriously, printer room shuts down, company loses over $20,000

'I couldn't train them': New hires don't take printing job seriously, printer room shuts down, company loses over $20,000

Training new employees, teaching them the terrain, and getting them used to their new work habitat is often like taking toddlers to a playground and explaining how a slide works, or monkey bars. New hires are either energetic, upbeat, and willing to learn, or they are lazy, entitled, and demanding. Let's assume the latter, and let's imagine you report your new hires' lack of care to upper management. Let's go one step further and say that upper management couldn't care less. What would you do?…
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‘You can’t discuss your pay': Manager tells employee they can't discuss wages with coworkers, employee reports them to HR and district manager

‘You can’t discuss your pay': Manager tells employee they can't discuss wages with coworkers, employee reports them to HR and district manager

It is not in a company's best interest to have their employees gather and hold a discussion about how much they are being paid, but it is certainly in the employee's best interest. Back when I was floor manager at a restaurant, I remember finding out that people who were way newer than I was at the job were getting about one dollar more than me. It doesn't really matter that it was one dollar (that adds up, by the way), it matters that this dollar is symbolic! Why should people who have fewer q…
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‘She couldn’t believe I quit': Manager loses senior promotion following employee's resignation

‘She couldn’t believe I quit': Manager loses senior promotion following employee's resignation

Those two weeks after you give in your two-week notice are either the sweetest or most bitter weeks of your entire time working at the company you've decided to leave. One of two things happens: You either get to kick back and relax for the remainder of your days working there, OR you get assigned one billion things by your bitter boss. In this case, OP got to experience the latter. See, OP's resignation was only an issue because their manager wanted to move into a more senior role within the c…
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'Team morale took an absolute nosedive': Company loses two largest clients after firing employee

'Team morale took an absolute nosedive': Company loses two largest clients after firing employee

If there is one thing worse than an annoying boss, it's an annoying coworker. This coworker in particular got promoted, presumably because they were related in some way or another to upper management. That wouldn't be so terrible if they had any work morale whatsoever. Ten years ago, OP was working in a company that did salary packaging. The service that the company offered was basically collecting mortgage statements, rental agreements, credit card bills etc., and then advising their clients'…
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antiwork fired manager tradesman salary-negotiating upper management workplace Reddit job interview blue collar concrete-company-employee construction workers - 21494533

'Manager wouldn’t even look at me': New hire at concrete company gets job offer unexpectedly withdrawn, HR says he was "in no position to negotiate"

Let's start this off with saying, if you get told during a job interview that you are in “no position to negotiate” you should immediately see that as a red flag. The interview is just as much for the employer as it is for the potential employee. This is the exact time you are most definitely supposed to negotiate your salary. And if they withdraw their application because you enquires about the pay, then what else would they have dropped you on for? You make one tiny mistake or ask for water d…
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'I rocked the boat when I refused my promotion': Employee finds out their company status reads ‘terminated’ after turning down several promotions from corporate, employee confronts manager

'I rocked the boat when I refused my promotion': Employee finds out their company status reads ‘terminated’ after turning down several promotions from corporate, employee confronts manager

Managers don't always have the courage to tell employees to their faces that they're fired, which only prolongs the inevitable process. This person was working at a ‘community center’, that ironically cost $150 a month, if that gives you any idea of the type of workplace this was. The person finished their shift and went to clock out per usual. Except… something was wrong. They noticed that they weren't able to clock out, so they opened up the app that the staff were required to have in order t…
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salary boss worker maternity leave employee manager salesperson coworkers upper management commission ceo Office incompetence managers sales workers bad bosses company coworker paycut - 21189125

'The only reason I took it was for the raise': Boss begs their salesperson to cover their position while they're on maternity leave, then cuts their salary last minute, shorting them ~$200 per week

C-level management seems to forget that their ‘family’ of employees is really only working so they can get that money bag every two weeks. Despite their lofty claims that everyone's on the same team and needs to reach company goals, a lot of workers are starting to refuse to do more work unless they're financially compensated– as it should be!
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should-you-quit toxic-manager employee manager upper management r-antiwork quitting-advice work-life balance Reddit workplace-culture - 21125637

'I've really started noticing how sad it is': Employee on verge of quitting sparks discussion on what to do when your boss has no work-life balance

There is a difference between working your hardest and only working. Life is all about balance and that especially goes for any career you're chasing. You will never be happy if you make your entire life about your job, just like you will not be happy if you make your entire life about your partner or your hobby or whatever. Us humans need balance. Work-life balance is extremely important. It's not only essential for mental health, but it is also essential in being a great employee. If you make…
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‘You can’t be here; I fired you': Employee gets reinstated after being fired for refusing to buy boss new drink, upper management reinstates employee despite boss's orders

‘You can’t be here; I fired you': Employee gets reinstated after being fired for refusing to buy boss new drink, upper management reinstates employee despite boss's orders

Upper management usually doesn't intervene between bosses and their employees, unless the issue is considered unsolvable. In this case, it wasn't exactly that the case was 'unsolvable', but rather that this particular boss simply didn't have the authority to fire any employee. Not to mention that there weren't even proper grounds for this employee to be fired in the first place. OP was working as a carhop at Sonic at the time, and one day they were cleaning up all the drinks that the day shift…
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company ceo boss manager general-manager c-level employee employees work work-story reddit antiwork malicious-compliance upper-management drama revenge petty coworker report

'The company was run by a bunch of disorganized idiots': Employee gets revenge on upper management by going above-and-beyond with petty reports; never get's micromanaged again

CEO's and upper management types are the kind of people that have the fewest tricks but the loudest bark. As the big dog at the dog park, they notoriously rampage around the others, nipping the heels of every loyal employee, defiling the sanctity of the workplace with their talk of ‘disruption’, and forcing their handlers to pick up every doo-doo in their wake.
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‘I quit’: Employee informs boss that general manager is selling expired food to customers, then quits and gets hired for 63k a year in managerial role

‘I quit’: Employee informs boss that general manager is selling expired food to customers, then quits and gets hired for 63k a year in managerial role

The restaurant industry is unpredictable, and there is always a high turnover rate. Employees come and go, to and fro, to here and there. Not all managers know how to successfully navigate the trenches of employment. In this case, a manager flipped out at OP for ‘telling on them’, AKA for informing upper management about the fact this boss was selling $1,000 worth of expired food to customers at a restaurant. Moreover, OP was informed that they were going to be paid on a certain day, but that p…
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healthy-workplace employee happy-employees toxic-workplace healthy-management work upper management management-questions toxic-boss leadership-roles workplace-culture workplace-etiquette - 19570949

'No one wants to be friends with their boss': Manager complains that his staff is too chummy and he feels left out, internet serves up harsh reality check

Getting a manager you get along with is rare these days. The workforce is filled with entitled Karen and Kyle bosses that think since they're you boss they can treat you like trash. Those jobs are the kind you have to quit as soon as possible. However, when you find upper management that you actual click with, it's feels like the sky has opened and the sun is shining down on you and the angels sing, ya know? However, how far can you go with that “click” with upper management before it's too far…
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employee exacts petty revenge when he maliciously complies to his toxic upper management rules and gets five-day weekends for an entire year

‘Don’t Want Me to Have Three-Day Weekends? Don’t Mind if I Do’: Employee Combines Petty Revenge With Malicious Compliance and Gets 5-Day Weekends All Year in Spite of Toxic Bosses

Working from home is quickly becoming a very common practice. Since the pandemic in 2020 forced everyone to stay at home, companies finally started to see how work still got done. It's now considered an antiquated way of thinking if you force your employees to come to an office every single day to do work they could perfectly do from home. Many millennials and Gen Z are even refusing to do jobs that aren't WFH. Recenly, a man took to Reddit to share his satisfying petty revenge/malicious compli…
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woman gives her two-week notice, gets humiliated by upper management

'Two-week notice from hell:' Management humiliates worker in front of her entire team after she quits in the most respectful and professional way possible

“The CEO called me that evening to further insult me…”
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