
funny memes

14 All-Star Smash Mouth Memes That'll Have You Walkin' On The Sun

twitter news adult entertainment internet mia khalifa controversy ridiculous dramatic - 98846721

Mia Khalifa Tells The World She Only Made $12K Off Her Porn Career

Twitter users share their biggest driving fails.

20 Twitter Users Share Their Biggest Car Fails

keanu reeves, celebs, twitter, social media, ridiculous, john wick

Movie Theatre Employee Gets Keanu Reeves' Autograph After Wholesome Interaction

Popeye's and Chick-fil-A get into a Twitter war about who has the best chicken sandwich, and fans are arguing over who is the best.

Popeye's Fans And Chick-Fil-A Fans Argue Over Who Has The Best Chicken Sandwich

Gordon Ramsey

Gordon Ramsey Harshly Judges People's Crappy Food in 16 Images

Guy sends his girlfriend a heartfelt message, and she ends up learning that it was fake.

Guy Sends His Girlfriend Heartfelt Message And She Discovers That It's Fake

Various authors on Twitter are bonding with overused phrases that they find in literature.

Writers Bond On Twitter With Painfully Overused Phrases

twitter, seafood, social media, funny, spicy, ridiculous

PETA Places Billboard Near Jimmy's Famous Seafood So They Call Them Out On Twitter

Twitter user determines that the real meaning behind Toto's "Africa" song is that it's about a lovesick werewolf.

Twitter User Determines That Toto's "Africa" Is About A Lovesick Werewolf In Africa

inconvenient burglar

Twitter Unleashes Its Inner Evil In The Most Inconvenient Thing They Would Steal From Someone's House

marriage tweets

25 Funny Marriage Tweets That Hit Close to Home

Twitter users share their best "spoiled kids complaints."

20 Twitter Users Share Their Best "Spoiled Kids Complaints"

A collection of Tinder profiles that are winning and failing on the dating app.

20 Tinder Users That Spread Love Or Naughty Banter Around The World

Technology fails from twitter.

24 of 'Internet of Sh*t's' Technological Fails That Make Reality Seem Like a Crappy Dystopia

Witty responses and insults

17 Prodigious Slams and Clapbacks That Achieved Max Damage