

Thousands of Easter Eggs Make this One Awesome Tree

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I Love You, Tree

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Having Fun at Work

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Via Reddit

Spend Some Time With YOUR Loved One This Week

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Via Reddit

Longhandled Pruner in Use

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Created by Dragonhand

Got Wood??

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Via Reddit

Don't Forget to Wear a Bark!

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Good Luck to You Both.....

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Created by brigetteb

NOW I Understand That Character

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Created by ShySakoorah ( Via Poorly Drawn Lines )

Suspended Christmas Tree

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Via Tigris Medve

Holiday Lights WIN

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Stop the Presses!

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Nope, Not Gonna Move It. Too Lazy.

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Created by VictorKN

Tree Sacrifices WIN

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This Cat's Meowing Up the Wrong Tree

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I'm Sorry I Ruined Christmas :(

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Via Reddit

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