
Attention: Bathroom breaks have been limited

'Attention: Bathroom breaks have been limited': Insane sign written in highlighter prohibits employee bathroom breaks longer than five minutes

New Job Bait and Switch | I worked for a national home improvement store (the blue one). When I interviewed, I applied for the sales position in plumbing (no longer exists). It was Monday - Friday, 9-5, with a commission program. Since I had years of plumbing experience, I was offered the job. The day I started I was told the sales job went to an internal promotion, only thing they could offer me was 'part time'. Lower hourly rate, n

'New job bait and switch': Home improvement store hires electrician to plumbing department over actual plumber, this goes exactly as expected

girlfriend thinks boyfriend is cheating on her, turns out to be much worse

'Can't we just start calling you Jessica? That would be easier': Girlfriend is called wrong name by boyfriend's entire family, thinks he's cheating, turns out to be much worse

Funniest Work Memes for People Who are Definitely the Toxic One in the Office

Funniest Work Memes for People Who are Definitely the Toxic One in the Office

Walked out of an interview | I walked out of an interview for the first time today, I had a shadowing interview today for a job that pays $2/hr more than I make right now. Seems like a great place except I wasn’t getting paid for the 2 hours of shadowing and they told me I wasn’t allowed to have water while I worked

'I wasn't allowed to have water': Employee walks out of working interview because of employer's bizarre rules

AITA for flipping out at my husband for canceling my daughter's job interview?

Daughter Refuses to Work At Stepdad's Toxic Company, He Retaliates By Canceling Her Interview Behind Her Back

Sassy Job Search Memes That Certainly Won't Pay the Bills

Sassy Job Search Memes That Certainly Won't Pay the Bills

Malicious Compliance | Following a termination letter to a T

Security Guard Fired, Immediately Begged to Work Remaining Scheduled Shifts

antiwork hr toxic-workplace toxic human resources workplace Horrible Bosses - 17873157

Update: HR Department Adds Confidentiality Clause to Micromanaging Rules Following Viral Thread

Deranged Karen Throws Her Body Under a Delivery Man's Truck After He Refuses To Do a Task She Had Not Paid For

Deranged Karen Throws Her Body Under a Delivery Man's Truck After He Refuses To Do a Task She Had Not Paid For

Karen Keeps Calling Walmart with Impossible Demands for Customer Service, Employee Just Keeps Hanging Up On Her

Karen Keeps Calling Walmart with Impossible Demands for Customer Service, Employee Just Keeps Hanging Up On Her

reasons people left a relationship

18 People Share The Exact Moment That Made Them Decide to Nope Out Of A Relationship

toxic workplace stories

30 Times People's Clueless Bosses Tried to Solve Morale Issues with Punishment

Person Turns to TikTok to Call Out Infuriating Neighbor and Feel Vindicated But Viewers Call Them Out Instead

Person Turns to TikTok to Call Out Infuriating Neighbor and Feel Vindicated But Viewers Call Them Out Instead

petty things people did

Wildly Petty Moments That Really Escalated Things

terrible horrible wtf toxic Death cringe nice guys relationships dating - 16071941

Shameless Unhinged Nice Guy Tries To Shoot His Shot At Recent Widow