
'Update : told my boss I quit and he’s not going to pay me': Boss fabricates charges when employee quits to avoid paying them

'Update : told my boss I quit and he’s not going to pay me': Boss fabricates charges when employee quits to avoid paying them

I quit my job after only one week. This is the email I sent to all my supervisors and HR.

'I quit my job after only one week': New employee sends scathing email to HR calling the company out of its shady policies

Dead dog wasn’t an acceptable excuse to miss work.

'My manager didn’t think it was an acceptable excuse': Employee not allowed to miss work after dog passed away

antiwork workplace-stories employee toxic-workplace toxic coworkers quit workplace Horrible Bosses quitting toxic-work-environment - 19248645

Jerk Boss Refuses to Accept Data Management Worker's Resignation, Tells Him He's Not Allowed Leave

Yeah I’ll work 8 hours

'You sound like someone who loves a job that will never love you back': Employee screws herself over by working unpaid hours

You won’t pay for my hotel? Ok I’ll drag your name through the mud and you’ll pay for a more expensive hotel

'Don’t cheap out on your invaluable employees': Employee expected to work late, wake up at 3 AM, and drive 2 hours for a meeting? Cue Malicious Compliance!

“Your job is done. I don’t want you to do anything related to the project ever again.”

'This is no longer any of your business': Director gets petty revenge on producer for making entire crew's jobs difficult

What was the best "you have no power here" moment you have ever seen?

'I have no interest working for you': 30+ entitled people getting their much-deserved comeuppance

guy gets his favorite manager fired all because he wasn't getting attention, now he regrets it and is feeling the karma

'I got rid of my boss to make my life better, but instead made it worse': Guy has Epiphany That He's a Backstabbing Employee After Getting His Favorite Manager Fired, Karma Comes for Him with Vengeance

couple who work together get pushed to the brink of divorce after boss has the husband secretly help push his own wife out of a huge company deal, wife deliberates quitting and divorcing

'She's been utterly betrayed by her entire office and her husband:' Entitled boss brings married employees to the brink of quitting and divorcing after getting husband to secretly push wife out of huge company deal

You don’t want me to do my job? Okay, I won’t.

'Okay then': Boss takes employee off big project and puts it into incompetent hands, malicious compliance ensues

toxic-workplace quit workplace quitting resignation employment toxic-work-environment - 1961991

Owner claims a raise is impossible, worker quits then learns the new hire is making more than they requested, they cancel their notice period

"Go get another offer" - Okay!

'Go get another offer': Boss tells employee to get an offer elsewhere to justify their request for a raise, cue malicious compliance

boss antiwork remote work toxic-workplace manager work managers workplace employment toxic-work-environment - 1917703

Boss insists "cameras on, no exceptions" policy for remote workers, sparks online debate

'My boss exploded with anger': Boss loses it when employee quits, more employees quit

'My boss exploded with anger': Boss loses it when employee quits, their behavior leads more employees to quit

workplace, toxic, toxic work environment, work sucks, labor shortage, servers, restaurant, florida, hypocrite, ppp, welfare, government, handouts, pay, work

'And they think $7.25 an hour is a living wage': Local Florida restaurant hypocritically roasts people who take 'government handouts', while blatantly advertising their toxic work culture