terrible coworkers

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'You all agreed to and signed off on [it]': Project Manager fends off moving goalpost trap with superior paper trail and process

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Coworkers Try to Scapegoat the One Pulling All the Weight

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'AITA for not giving my coworker my day off?': Coworker demands guy's leave that he booked to play the new Zelda game

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'Have fun with unemployment': Karen coworker fires herself by refusing to do her job

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'I'm losing my sanity': Worker expresses frustration about their "office prankster" coworker, sparking online discussion

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'I eventually quit': Manager insists on doing things their way because of their age... despite having less experience

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'My boss cancelled my interview': Worker quits when boss interferes with their internal promotion interview

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'She hired him': Legendary manager sticks up for scapegoated black sheep employee, helps them leave for major promotion

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'If I see them, I bin them': Coworker brings personal dishes in from home to make coworkers wash them, they end up in the trash

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'I quit.' Manager quits after lazy Karen subordinate reports him to HR

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Know-it-all part-time waiter insists on inferior method for billing guests, massive queues ensue

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'It’s cleaning up your messes not some huge thing': Coworker thinks they're clever causing disruption over a messy microwave, gets roasted

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'It's unfair': Worker forced to take a stand with boss after doing all of her lazy coworker's work

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'Where is your manager!?': Idiot coworker ironically self-reports grievous safety violation when demanding worker's manager

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'A complete garbage person': Boss fires worker for stupid reason, worker ruins their marriage by revealing their affair with a coworker

‘We Worked Together for Five Years, but I Haven’t Seen Her Work Once’ : HR Calls Old Coworker of Interviewee for Job Reference, He Throws Her Under Bus, Enacting the Petty Revenge She Always Deserved

‘We Worked Together for Five Years, but I Haven’t Seen Her Work Once’ : HR Calls Old Coworker of Interviewee for Job Reference, He Throws Her Under Bus, Enacting the Petty Revenge She Always Deserved