
'I have no wish to be in her good books anymore': Employee turns down former boss's repeated requests for help

'I have no wish to be in her good books anymore': Employee turns down former boss's repeated requests for help

 'The grin slid off his face and his mouth went agape': Employee foils the plans of customer who thought he found a loophole

'The grin slid off his face and his mouth went agape': Employee foils the plans of scam artist who thought he found a loophole

nepo-hire nepotism workplace-stories in-the-workplace jobs toxic-workplace work coworkers supervisor workplace Horrible Bosses toxic-work-environment - 21107461

'Supervisor nearly got himself fired': Older worker gets back at nepo-hire supervisor

'I have to pay for that $0.10 personal call charge? Done.': Company charges employees $0.10 for personal calls, employee makes processing that fee cost more than that

'I have to pay for that $0.10 personal call charge? Done.': Company charges employees $0.10 for personal calls, employee makes processing that fee cost more than that

'I want to be notified about EVERY single critical issue!': IT employee complies with demanding boss by overflowing his inbox

'I want to be notified about EVERY single critical issue!': IT employee complies with boss's demanding orders by overflowing his inbox

boss workplace-stories jobs micromanager employee fired workplace-story manager malicious compliance tales-from-the-workplace supervisor story employment - 20948485

'I knew it would be a total mess': Micromanaging supervisor's simple mistake costs company $220k, gets fired

Update: 'He then said... I need to pay my dues': Employee turns down job with more responsibility after boss lowballs herUpdate: 'He then said... I need to pay my dues': Employee turns down job with more responsibility after boss lowballs her

Update: 'He then said... I need to pay my dues': Employee stuns boss by turning down job with more responsibility after boss lowballs her

'You couldn’t tack a couple of 0’s on my salary for me to agree to that': Employee is told by boomer manager to be on-call 24/7, calls BS

'You couldn’t tack a couple of 0’s on my salary for me to agree to that': Employee is told by boomer manager to be on-call 24/7, calls BS

work-story antiwork toxic-workplace tales-from-the-workplace coworkers i quit new job quit old job supervisor workplace stories-from-the-workplace quitting employment - 20687365

'My boss could barely look at me': Boss begs worker to stay and train supervisor just before their final day after they fail to replicate their work

‘You Gave the Wrong Employee Demerit Points…’ : New Supervisor Ultimately Gets Himself Fired When He Messes With Invaluable Machinist, Leading to Malicious Compliance and Chaos in Production

‘You Gave the Wrong Employee Demerit Points…’ : New Supervisor Ultimately Gets Himself Fired When He Messes With Invaluable Machinist, Leading to Malicious Compliance and Chaos in Production

Cheapskate Boss | I worked as a shift supervisor in a department of about 60 employees. Every year there is a designated week to celebrate our profession.

'I saw red': Cheapskate boss forces shift supervisors to pay for company pizza parties and refuses to tip, shift supervisors pays them in pettily dispensed pennies

'Sorry, Ma'am. I can't overrule my boss': Entitled patient insists on ignoring supervisor

'Sorry, Ma'am. I can't overrule my boss': Entitled patient insists on ignoring supervisor

Do not leave your classroom without asking permission.

'I walked down to the office later that day with the biggest grin on my face': Teacher complies with school's annoying new rules, administration is caught off guard

engineer supervisor boss Horrible Bosses workplace toxic-workplace workplace-stories workplace-story workers bad bosses manager fired

'Let me go? Fine. You’ll lose millions': New supervisor frames and fires essential engineer, forced to hire them back at insane contract rate

Make it go 20% faster. sure. | So this happened around 2010 in Australia to my brother who is a tradesman who worked for a small engineering firm.

'Make it go 20% faster? Sure': New supervisor insists machinist make their machine operate faster, predictable outcome occurs

He had put a rule in place that nobody was allowed to recycle a broken laptop other than himself.

IT Supervisor "Dave" demands all to-be-recycled computers pass across his desk, ends up with a giant mountain broken computers