
'I can do this in my head': Teacher makes student show his work, tells him it should take up the whole page, cue malicious compliance

'I can do this in my head': Teacher makes student show his work, tells him it should take up the whole page, cue malicious compliance

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'I got my principal fired when I was 12': Singled-out student defeats tyrant school principal

'I need to go to the restroom, I'm going': Teacher gets suspended after refusing to let student with accommodations go to the bathroom

'I got HER suspended': Teacher gets suspended after refusing to let student with accommodations go to the bathroom

‘You messed with the wrong neighbor’: Neighborhood middle school kids throw eggs at neighbor's car, neighbor drives egg-covered car to their parent's house to get even

‘You messed with the wrong neighbor’: Neighborhood middle school kids throw eggs at neighbor's car, neighbor drives egg-covered car to their parent's house to get even

'Had a student write down "hand shoes" instead of "gloves"': 25+ Students whose tests answers made their teachers laugh out loud

'Had a student write down "hand shoes" instead of "gloves"': 25+ Students whose tests answers made their teachers laugh out loud

'[She] tried to force me to write with my right hand': 20+ terrible teacher stories as told by their former students

'[She] tried to force me to write with my right hand': 20+ terrible teacher stories as told by their former students

‘I stopped coming in one hour early’: Boss gets fired for causing University worker to stop volunteering unpaid work hours, leading to worker's promotion

‘I stopped coming in one hour early’: Boss gets fired for causing University worker to stop volunteering unpaid work hours, leading to worker's promotion

'Teacher hates Senior Skip Day': teacher threatens to fail students if they don't show up for test, students maliciously comply

'Teacher [tries to ruin] Senior Skip Day': Teacher wants to fail students if they don't show up for test, students get even after a round of golf

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'I had the plague': Sick teacher forced to come into work after calling out sick; admin thought they called her bluff but were horrified by her arrival

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'Naturally, I graded them all with [a] zero': Professor catches out cheating students, ruins their vacations and fails them in his class

'I will never want to work with you again': Woman gets payback when mean ex-coworker contacts her for a work reference

'I will never want to work with you again': Woman gets payback when mean ex-coworker contacts her for a work reference

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'They completely bombed': Student gets forced into doing an entire group project alone, fakes flat tire on the day of presentation so they fail

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‘Everyone knew it was ridiculous’: Preschool teacher reluctantly complies with boss's outrageous bathroom break schedule after a student wets themselves; gets justified when the entire school backs her up

'Let me do my work, ok?': Lit professor forced to give more failing grades, maliciously complies to protect students

'Let me do my work, ok?': Lit professor forced to give more failing grades, maliciously complies to protect students

‘You wanted me to do the speech, deal with it’: Professor gets even with Dean after being ordered to make a speech for 150 students

‘You wanted me to do the speech, deal with it’: Professor gets even with Dean after being ordered to make a speech for 150 students

'It is not possible to do what you actually wanted in three hours': Choosing beggar tries to trash auto shop online, owner reacts

'It is not possible to do what you actually wanted in three hours': Choosing beggar tries to trash auto shop online, owner reacts