
Star Trek

Funny Star Trek Memes

These Star Trek Memes Are Set To Stunning

Going strong after all these years.
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funny star trek memes

35 Star Trek Memes That Go Pretty Boldly

And that's a warp.
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funny star trek memes

Star Trek Memes To Show To The Next Generation

It's a fun show.
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geek nerds Memes lol Star Trek science fiction funny - 16244997

Star Trek Next Generation Memes That Go Hard Like Picard

Star Trek is one of those interesting shows that makes us ask interesting questions about the meaning of life itself, our values, our place in the universe, but most importantly, who has to clean the holodeck after someone does some sex stuff in there? Our quatloos are on Geordi. Anyway, here are some more Star Trek memes to scroll through while sitting on the captain's chair.
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funny star trek memes

Star Trek Memes To Help Us All Live, Laugh and Prosper

It's a good show.
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funny tumblr thread of a human on a Vulcan ship | idontwant-these Star Trek idea comedy sitcom where instead Vulcan on mostly human ship is human on mostly Vulcan ship | All Vulcans are fiercely protective fragile, illogical, prone--danger, smart, reckless little human make human feel more accepted (as is only logical Vulcans try include aspects terran culture ship's day--day life, failing spectacularly at human loves them even more | IS BIRTHDAY. They'll get better at celebrating human

Tumblr Thread: The Human on A Vulcan Ship

It's the thought that counts.
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funny tumblr thread where a Vulcan gets a cat

Tumblr Thread: A Vulcan Gets a Cat

Behold, the wacky systems of meaning behind seemingly basic things!
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funny dad jokes

A Minivan-load of Dad-Tier Memes and Puns

Pile in everybody.
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funny star trek memes

Star Trek Memes To Boldly Scroll Through While On The Captain's Chair

Live long and prosper.
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A funny Tumblr post about how humans are totally reckless in the Star Trek universe.

Tumblr Thread: The Staggering Recklessness Of Humans In Star Trek

Too many fancy space toys.
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Twitter thread on danger of tech in gig economies | Frisco Uplink @_danilo After premiere Picard name checked Bruce Maddox, decided head back and watch Measure Man, TNG S2E09. And turns out Maddox is bit tech bro. Startling well this holds up three decades later. This kind guy is still problem. | Frisco Uplink @_danilo As refresher Measure Man TNG at its hammiest, most thought provoking best courtroom drama where fate Data hinges on question whether he is sentient being deserving call basic

Twitter Thread: Star Trek and the Inhumanity of Gig Economies

Imagine having a robot boss.
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eminem rap in klingon star trek

Eminem's "Without Me" Entirely In Klingon

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Quarantine coping mechanisms as star trek characters twitter thread | Dr. Tanya Harrison o @tanyaofmars 9m quarantine coping mechanisms as #StarTrek characters thread Picard: rWearing work clothes despite working home Thrilled not have children around rReading Shakespeare epic quotes t7 14 50

Twitter Thread: Quarantine Personalities as Star Trek Characters

A little bit Data, a lot of Worf.
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Conan O'Brien star trek fan

Conan O'Brien's Associate Producer Goes On Star Trek Rant

Six minutes of glory.
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Tumblr thread on why no one in Star Trek has pockets | jimkerk least realistic thing about star trek is starfleet uniforms don't have pockets and nobody complains about crisisoninfintefandoms My instinct is agree with this, but like really think about No money, no credit cards, identification is all vocal/ fingerprints/retinal, so no wallet. Again, doors are voice activated, or just unlocked by entering code. No keys.

Tumblr Thread: Why No One on The USS Enterprise Has Pockets

Pockets are a privilege, not a right.
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Tumblr thread about mating habits of gay klingons | demongoth thinking about klingon courting works by female roaring and throwing heavy objects and male reading love poetry demongoth gay klingons:

Tumblr Has Questions about Gay Klingons

Classic Tumblr.
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