

'The guy wanted that go kart': Go kart employee stunned by oblivious customer's odd request

'The guy wanted that go-kart': Go-kart employee stunned by oblivious customer's odd request

Never underestimate a customer's ability to be ridiculous. They'll always surprise you with new ways to misunderstand simple things. U/N1k1B1k1e understands that all too well after a Saturday night run-in with a baffling customer . The person sharing this story writes that they worked at an underground go-kart arena. Some people in the comments section seemed confused by this phrasing. But it's exactly what it sounds like: you head to an underground race track where go-karts zip around at top s…
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gen-x gen x boomer boomers retired retire retirement hypocritical hypocrite reddit work working workplace age interesting father tenure family son dad old

Gen X dude confronts his father after getting hypocritical advice about retirement: ‘He retired at 50… but [I'm 56] and should continue to work?’

We're all working to eventually retire, right? Apart from the 1%ers and people whose entire identity is entwined in their career, most of us just want to age out, cash in, head to Florida, and live out the rest of our days on the beach with a piña colada in one hand and a good book in the other.
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wholesome relationship living together teenagers revenge revenge-stories petty dad mildly infuriating Reddit son Father - 24196357

'We worked things out and promised not to drive each other crazy on purpose': Teen drives dad mad for months by moving his stuff within 1-meter radius, revenge wholesomely brings them closer

This must be one of the most subtly infuriating revenge stories, and it's truly ingenious. Living with someone inevitably exposes you to their idiosyncrasies, those small habits that can seriously grate on your nerves. It could be the way they tidy up, their pillow arrangement, or the way they always leave their toothbrush out – the seemingly trivial things that still drive you mad. In this father-son dynamic, the father finds himself unable to tolerate the disorderly way his teen leaves everyt…
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family drama bride entitled parents drama brother mother askreddit reddit story wedding angry family sister Reddit rude son Father Mean People - 24059397

'They wouldn't even notice I'm gone': Man cuts off contact with family after being excluded from sister's wedding

Do you think the middle child syndrome actually exists? For those of you who might not know, middle child syndrome is the belief that middle children are usually excluded, ignored, or even outright neglected because of their birth order. something about being in the middle, after the exciting first child, and before the extra spoiled youngest child, is supposed to feel like you are the least loved one. I am a middle child, I have an older and a younger sister. But personally, and I might even s…
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Dad father story reddit reddit-thread deserve patient impatient patience delivery delivery-guy relatable stories family

'You can't wait 30 seconds? You'll be waiting here for 30 minutes': Impatient dad refuses to heed a delayed delivery warning, wastes an hour dawdling for an order that's not ready yet

Life is like a roll of toilet paper; the closer you get to the end, the faster it runs out. But does that sense of urgency in your old age entitle you to be a bossy know-it-all? Not exactly.
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'He won't be on the will': Grandpa leaves grandson out of the will, demanding paternity test in exchange for inheritance

'He won't be on the will': Grandpa leaves grandson out of the will, demanding paternity test in exchange for inheritance

A will is a tricky thing, and it is the root cause of conflict in families, especially when one of the older relatives is showing signs of being on their way out. This grandpa shared a story about how frustrated he was with his reckless son, who fully expected that his child should be on the will. That sounds reasonable unless you know the background of the story. See, this kid wasn't one hundred percent part of the family. Or at least, the grandpa suspected he wasn't… His son's wife had cheate…
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'He needs more money than his brother': Father gives younger son bigger inheritance than the older, based on their in-laws’ financial state

'He needs more money than his brother': Father gives younger son bigger inheritance than the older, based on their in-laws’ financial state

Money is never an easy subject to bring up within a family. No matter how close you are to your parents or siblings, talking about salaries, inheritances, or wills will always be awkward. That is why I think as parents, you have to be sensible and honest if you end up in a spot where you have to bring these subjects up. Do not try to sugarcoat anything, but talk to your kids like the adults they probably are. That is the advice I would personally give this person who turned to Reddit for advice…
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kid kids child son parenting parent parents funny bring-to-work work workplace quit quitting resign resignation spill-the-beans employee worker employees ceo bosses funny boss lol family

'DADDY'S LOOKING FOR A NEW JOB!': Employee's kid spills the beans to the whole office that his dad is on the verge of quitting

Kids say the darndest things...
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reddit, r-hotels, failblog, happy-ending, wholesome-update

Update: 'This is my favorite update ever!': Son forced to deal with mother's $1,200 sticky fingers at a hotel ends up having the most wholesome twist

We recently came across a story of a frustrated son having to deal with the consequences of a supposedly irresponsible mother. ( Read here! ) The mother came to visit the son for the holidays and stayed at a local hotel. A few weeks later, the son gets a package with a vase and a note from his mom saying “call me.” Turns out his mom had stolen a fancy vase from the hotel and the hotel sent her a bill for $1,200 for it and now the mother wanted him to return it. A mortified son, but dutiful none…
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r-hotels, reddit-hotels, mom-drama, family-drama, adult-son, millennial-son

'My mom has sticky fingers': Mother steals $1,200 vase from hotel, gets caught and makes it her son's responsibility to get her out of the charges

Well, well, well, if it isn't the consequence of your mother's actions. Why is it that the older generation thinks it's fine to just steal from hospitality businesses? Like, yes, you're paying to spend a night or two there, but you're not paying to take home that wall art or tea kettle they put in there for your convenience. This Redditor's mom took it upon herself to leave the hotel with the a robe and crystal vase. She thought she'd get away with it too, if it wasn't for those meddling hotel…
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family evicted mom drama son happy-ending heartwarming survivor kicked-out moving teenager reddit revenge petty-revenge pillow body-odor moving

'Kicking me out was the kindest thing she ever did': 18-year-old gets evicted by his deadbeat mom; gets petty payback with a stink-bomb and moves on to greener pastures

Cool guys don't look at explosions. They blow things up and they walk away. We've all had this notion cemented in our brains since we were allowed to watch our first action movie, dreaming of the day that we could be as cool as James Bond, The Rock, or Denzel Washington. Well, my friends, there are some rare moments when we get to be the ‘cool guy’ in our own life, walking away from a (hypothetical) explosion and into the hall of fame for epic victories.
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family drama aita daughters parenting advice entitled reddit thread Reddit money son parents - 22968069

'Our family is split on who is wrong': Parents give financial support to their 2 daughters but not their son based on a decision he made 8 years ago

This is a tricky situation, but most of Reddit seems to be on the parents ' side. Let us know what you think: When these 3 siblings became adults, their parents gave them a choice on whether or not to live with them. If they did, they had to pay rent, but the rent went into a savings account that they got access to later in life. The 2 daughters went this route; however, the son thought that parents should not charge their children to live with them, so he parted ways. Fast forward 8 years, and…
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aita reddit reddit-thread vegan mom moms mother dad dads father son parent parents parenting diet story vegans friends diet-choices flip out

‘She said I was corrupting our son’: Father buys his son fast food so that the boy can fit in with his friends; vegan wife flips out

Vegans always have to tell everyone they're vegan and they incessantly force their vegan-ness on everyone around them. The Holy Crusade of veganism is a plague of misplaced good-intentions, which is all fun and games until we find families caught in the cross-hairs.
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mom moms mother mothers motherhood parenting parents parent wheelchair son handicapped disabled parking doorman hotel

'My mum got in his face': Parent stands up for her wheelchair-bound son, flexing the full power of their car's handicapped sticker as petty revenge on a stickler doorman

Handicapped people get dibs on the choice parking spots– and they deserve to! Life is hard enough when you're struggling to be mobile, the least the rest of society can do is let you park right in the front. For most folks, it is second nature to be lenient to people with disabilities, even if there is no technical handicapped spot, but for one doorman, a real stickler, the rules of the street would NOT be bent on his watch.
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hardworking daughter parents parent college college-fund baby son university freshman money student-loans student-debt loans debt student college-student reddit aita brother sister finance promise

'iT's OuR mOnEy': Hardworking daughter gets her college fund robbed after graduation when her parents surprise her with a baby brother and revoke half of her college savings

Wrestling student debt after you graduate college is a lot like taking on a polar bear in a 1v1, mano-a-mano fist fight. The odds are certainly against you and even if you manage to beat the bear, you'll likely freeze out in the cold arctic tundra afterwards. You may have hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans that you owe the Feds, but at least you took home a piece of paper that says that you know how to shotgun a beer before writing a 10 page research paper on gender studies.
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paternity-test test pregnant pregnancy pregnancy-test teenagers teens teen-mom mom mother parenting paternity drama family aita reddit story son single-mother

'I demanded a paternity test': Mother makes her teen son's pregnant girlfriend get a paternity test, revealing the girlfriend cheated (again) and her baby isn't the his

First love is a tough virus to shake. When teenagers ‘fall in love’ (or think they have), it's tough to separate the raging hormones from real, genuine connection. Although some people find their forever person in their local public school system, most people aren't so lucky and don't really realize that they've hitched their horse to a toxic wagon– until it's too late.
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