

Ever heard that men think about every 7 seconds, or 8,000 times a day! Well that's false. Men actually think about sex 19 times a day and women 10 according to current research/ Sex is something that binds us, penetrates us.... wait what? Anyways, Sex and sex memes, gifs, and everything to do with sex is all you'll find here and much more.

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Guy Loses Virginity to Mutual Friend, Feels Burning Regret Over His Terrible Choices

Sometimes a yearn turns into a burn.
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neighbor plays applause for loud neighbors, internet weighs in

Internet Weighs In On Sleep-Deprived Neighbor's Response To Loud "Nighttime Activities"

Sounds rough.
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Bad sex advice people got from school | Xianroberts 44 points 18 hours ago my sex ed class dissected flower. Not sure has do with anything just remember lot talk about stamen and pistil.

Horrible Sex Advice People Got from School

Sometimes Sex Ed isn't very comprehensive.
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Twitter thread about Sex Weasel symbolism in renaissance art | Chelsea Nichols @museumweirdo posted about this before, but never going stop until whole world knows about SEX WEASELS Renaissance art thread) | 16th century widely believed weasels conceived through their ears and gave birth through their mouth. This spawned whole language hidden sexual symbolism art, with weasels standing everything fertility talismans phallic symbols. 21 L788 O 1,560 Doo

Twitter Thread: Sex Weasels In Renaissance Art

You read that right. Sex weasels.
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Tumblr thread about mating habits of gay klingons | demongoth thinking about klingon courting works by female roaring and throwing heavy objects and male reading love poetry demongoth gay klingons:

Tumblr Has Questions about Gay Klingons

Classic Tumblr.
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Tumblr thread of joke foreplay activities | NEVER SKIP FOREPLAY Make out. Lick her jaw. Suck her neck. Eat her God Damn py. e melaninmermaid Foreplay is essential. blueklectic Lick her jaw dickbuttofficial chew on her eyebrows kingweedorah put ear her torso moonuncle whisper into ass

Tumblr Adds Dumb Suggestions to List of Foreplay Activities

Yeah, spank her hair.
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nice guys and nice girls and their cringeworthy toxicity

Nice Guys and Girls Who Smeared The Internet with Cringeworthy Toxicity

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sex facts

Wild Sex Facts to Quote During an Awkward Silence

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Interesting, gross and weird facts.

AskReddit Users Give Random Facts We Had No Business Knowing

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Pickup lines that actually worked for people

Pickup Lines That Actually Worked For People

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Funny and inappropriate things to say on a date.

Things to Not Say on A Date

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Funny Tinder fails and wins.

Tinder Wins and Fails That Ended In Heartbreak and Puns

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A guy selling a car gets offered sex as a trade and rejects her offer.

Guy Gets Propositioned Sex for $400 Car, Soundly Rejects Offer

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Girl Says Perfect Man Lasts Longer Than 5 Minutes In Front Of Boyfriend

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sex partners that ruined it with this one weird trick

18 People Share What Their Partners Did During Sex That Totally Ruined It For Them

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A woman accidentally texted her mom a photo of her bed with sex handcuffs on it.

Woman Accidentally Sends Mom Wrong Picture of Her Room, Handcuffs Included

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