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'My dash cam was running the entire time': Family tries to pull scam after car accident they caused but guy has a dash cam

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'I took my ex off my Spotify plan while she was on a road trip': Dude removes ex from streaming service mid-road trip, others share their stories

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'It was petty, but it felt good': Navy pilot buys a car just to spite an arrogant fleet commodore

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'All the blood drained from her face': Actress learns production staff she treated poorly decide whether or not she keeps her job

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'He had 400 hogs delivered to what, at this point, was one of the busiest roads in town': Farmer gets revenge on developer and city government who won't pay him a fair price for his land

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'Naturally, I graded them all with [a] zero': Professor catches out cheating students, ruins their vacations and fails them in his class

'Update: She was yelling and stomping': Roommate threatens to sue woman for putting vegetables in the food the roommate is trying to steal

'Update: She was yelling and stomping': Roommate threatens to sue woman for putting vegetables in the food the roommate is trying to steal

'[My] boyfriend was wrongfully towed from our complex, I got revenge':Tenant gets one over on towing company in rare victory

'[My] boyfriend was wrongfully towed from our complex, I got revenge':Tenant gets one over on towing company in rare victory

'I'll just log in...': Boss messes with former employee's online account

'I'll just log in...': Boss gets invasive petty payback on former employee

'This made me really mad': Step-sister plans to wear a wedding dress to sister's wedding, bride makes it a costume party instead

'This made me really mad': Step-sister plans to wear a wedding dress to sister's wedding, bride makes it a costume party instead

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'I wanted revenge': Contractor engineer charges company $9000 to press a button after they try to cheat him

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'With a sledgehammer': Supply Officer says broken copier is fine, enlisted makes sure it's truly broken

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'His jaw was on the floor': Small business owner scams guy out of $400, loses $15,000

'You can't do that': Customer loses thousands of dollars after filing a chargeback despite being offered full refund for purchase

'You can't do that': Customer loses thousands of dollars after filing a chargeback despite being offered full refund for purchase

'I made sure the boiler was rendered useless': Tenant gets even with landlord following refusal to reimburse him for boiler repair; tenant renders boiler useless

'I made sure the boiler was rendered useless': Tenant gets even with landlord following refusal to reimburse him for boiler repair; tenant renders boiler useless