

‘He chucked it into their pool’: Retired engineer uses skills to get even with neighbors after reaching neighborly limit

‘He chucked it into their pool’: Retired engineer uses skills to get even with neighbors after reaching neighborly limit

These residents underestimated their neighbor, a retired engineer. As shared by u/soulslop, their father, who was the retired engineer in question, was not one to be messed with. So when his neighbor committed multiple neighborly mishaps, he got creative. This story certainly gives engineers a petty name, in the best way possible… and definitely will make people think twice before they throw their grass clippings into their neighbor's backyard. You never know who your neighbor really is… what i…
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gift-card retirement retired retiree job work corporate unfair fast-food fast-food-chain franchise company loyalty pension worker part-time employee reward gift celebration

'[They] gave him a gift card for 30+ years of loyalty': Fast food employee celebrates retirement; gets 'rewarded' by corporate with a pathetic gift card

Back in the day, when mythical pensions existed and companies took care of their employees, workers would typically stay at their job and work for their company for decades, oftentimes riding out their first entry-level position all the way to retirement. Nowadays, celebrating a 2 year anniversary with a company is a huge accomplishment and most employees just don't have the same kind of loyalty anymore. In this case, one part-time employee had just celebrated his 30 year anniversary before...
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