

Customer Service memes for those who have had it with their jobs

These Customer Service Memes Are Just Too Real

That customer service life though!
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customer service retail manager bosses sales Horrible Bosses boss reddit thread Reddit petty revenge - 17661445

Woman Fired From Cellphone Store For Refusing to Clean Up Other People's Dishes

This cellphone saleswoman was singled out by her manager and told to clean up the mess of dishes in the break room.
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uno-reverse idontworkherelady retail revenge petty revenge Walmart karen - 17661189

Guy Uno-Reverses Karen Who Thinks He is a Walmart Employee

When a guy went to Walmart's customer service to recover his wife's lost almond milk, he was approached by a wild K a ren who assumed he worked there. She insisted that he help her and insisted that he worked there, so he turned the play around and threw it right back at her . Reddit user u/literalgarbageyo posted this thread to Reddit's r/ IDontWorkHereLady , a medium-sized subreddit that often features stories, such as this, that have been shared by Reddit users about their experiences being…
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customer service malicious compliance revenge reddit thread Reddit customer support retail customers - 17633285

Malicious Compliance: Receptionist Refuses to Help Patient in Person, So They Opt to Phone Her Instead

When this patient walked up to the receptionist to try and make an appointment they were told that appointments could be made over the phone only, so they whipped out their phone and called the doctor's office right in front of the receptionist. Bureaucracies are an inertant force and dealing with them can be like dredging sludge off the ocean floor. Their entire existence serves to slow penetration and discourage inquiries from advancing any further than they need to. In favor of the reception…
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customer service customer support customers customer retail workplace antiwork Reddit reddit thread - 17551621

"Secret Shopper" Spills the Tea On What Retail Evaluations Are Really Like

This thread was posted to Reddit's r/antiwork subreddit by Redditor “I was once mystery-shopped at a Petsmart by someone who asked for help finding food and toys for her guinea pig," shared Rainyqueer1. "We had a great interaction, talked about guinea pig needs, nutrition, etc.” "80% on my mystery shop score because I forgot to ask the GP’s name. My bad I guess, but…wow, I’m glad my retail days are over. I just don’t care what your rodent’s name is." “I got fired from bb [Best Buy] years ago fo…
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customer support customer service malicious compliance retail customers customer karen service industry tourists reddit thread Reddit - 17529861

Customer Sure They've Been Cheated, Wants More Fish, Ends Up With Less Fish

One Fish, Two Fish, Less-Fish-For-You Fish
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customer service idontworkherelady retail customers reddit thread Reddit i-dont-work-here-lady service industry - 17501957

Retail Worker Puts Horrible Customer in Their Place, Manager Doubles Down

Every retail worker and customer service person has wished that they could do this.
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customer service idontworkherelady retail food service service i-dont-work-here-lady karen service industry - 17482245

Hungry Karen Orders Pizza From A Craft Store

Need I say more?
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twitter FAIL Twitter Thread live tweet customer service retail service industry - 17409285

Live-Tweet: Retelling of Worst Sandwich Ever Prompts People to Share Their Terrible Food Stories

This former Subway “Sandwich Artist” took to Twitter on Monday to share their experience with an unfortunate individual who intentionally ordered a “questionable sandwich” that would haunt their nightmares. They note in their initial tweet that kick-started the thread that they “sincerely worry about the person who ordered it.” The story was told by @pb_and_garlic who shared their story in the form of a Twitter thread or what we used to refer to here as a “Live Tweet" (are we still using that?)…
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retail service karen customer service entitled parents entitled parent - 17340165

Karen Screams at Cashier, Attacks Manager, Gets Arrested

Who has a better story than Bran the Broken? Well, anyone with a first-hand story of watching a Karen getting arrested for starters. This Reddit user, u/SimMinnie, shared a tale more epic (and better written) than the last season of Game of Thrones to the r/EntitledPeople subreddit. It's no secret that we love a good story about an entitled person getting their comeuppance and this one certainly ticks all the boxes. u/SimMinnie explains that the story took place when they were working as a supe…
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scumbag revenge entitled ahole idiots retail - 17293061

Scumbag Repeatedly Parks in Disabled Spots, Mocks Disabled Woman, Gets Thousands of Dollars in Fines

What a piece of trash.
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customer service idontworkherelady retail Reddit - 16754693

Guy Freaks Out at Disabled Person After He Mistakes Their Disability Lanyard For a Work Uniform, Refuses to Apologize

A disabled person found themselves targeted by an angry customer after the customer thought that their “disability lanyard” was a part of their work uniform. When confronted with the fact that he was wrong, he doubled down on the error and became increasingly agitated and angry at them and everyone else who tried to tell him otherwise. This bizarre display of behavior was displayed in a story that was posted to r/IDontWorkHereLady. A subreddit where people share stories such as this where they…
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"Ma'am these knives are high-end..."

Rude Store Clerk Mansplains Knife Pricing to Woman, She Gives Up, Gets a Steal of a Deal

A hasty and rude retail worker quickly corrected this woman when she pointed out a pricing error on a chef's knife she was interested in. She relented in revealing the mistake to the worker and ended up with a deal on a great knife. This story was shared to the r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by u/TIL_eulenspiegel , the woman in the story, where it earned 19k upvotes as of the writing of this post. The u/TIL_eulenspiegel , the Original Poster of the topic (referred to as the “OP” in Reddit's cu…
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Just Ran Away From Work | Photo of an exit sign

Retail Worker "Runs Away" From Job, Never Goes Back, People Share Their Similar Stories

The ONLY solution for working retail.
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customer service retail entitled i-dont-work-here-lady karen - 16637701

Entitled Karen Accosts Random Guy at Home Depot, Insists He Works There, Demands He Collects Carts

It often occurs that maintenance, tech workers, and other contractors end up getting accosted by Karens and other predatory customers when they are called to do jobs at retail locations and stray into the line of fire. These workers, who are sometimes just grabbing lunch at the store in question, are granted a small glimpse into the life of a retail worker. When you work retail, customers often have zero regard for you as a person and couldn’t give less of a sh*t whether or not you’re on a brea…
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management malicious compliance retail - 16631813

Management Demands Customers Have to Wait No Longer Than 15 Seconds, Employees Comply and Nothing Else Gets Done

Anyone who has ever worked retail knows how stressful it is handling a constant stream of customers while you're trying to do inventory or stock shelves. It's a total mind destroyer that seems to tear your brain into two as you repeatedly try to swap between talking to customers and then refocusing on your task—before being, again, forced to handle the next customer. As the minutes and hours pass, you begin to realize that you're not making any headway on restocking today and finally submit to…
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