

'I reported him to his bosses': Man reports girlfriend's plan to use property employee to get roommates removed from lease, leading to employee getting fired

'I reported him to his bosses': Man reports girlfriend's plan to use property employee to get roommates removed from lease, leading to employee getting fired

Who would be devious enough to devise an organized plan to kick their roommates out? This woman, apparently, who obviously has zero shame. The story is told from the perspective of her boyfriend, OP, who was living with her at the time that this all went down. He had a small inkling that she was cheating on him with a man she met at work. This man also happened to work at the apartment complex that OP and his girlfriend lived in. Why did OP think that she was cheating on him? Well, you know. Th…
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‘Update my website!’: Client calls IT support after engineer's report doesn't match the facilities description of their website

‘Update my website!’: Client calls IT support after engineer's report doesn't match the facilities description of their website

People working in technical support have seen a lot of funny cases over the years, and this case is definitely one to remember for the IT manager involved. OP was working for a large pub company based in the UK, in which their chief role was second-in-line support for retail applications. One client opened a ticket after an engineer had come and checked the facilities of their establishment, only to send out a faulty report, leading to the website displaying a facility that the establishment cl…
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'This... is going to cost the company millions': Factory employee lets frozen products turn to "boiled mush" per their boss's orders

'This... is going to cost the company millions': Factory employee lets frozen products turn to "boiled mush" per their boss's orders

This employee is just following directions. If their boss's directions happen to be flawed, well, that's not their problem. You've got to act your wage sometimes. Quality Assurance is one of those processes that separates great products from those that are okay or poor. If you've ever bought a frozen dinner and found a hair in it, and then vowed to never buy from that brand again, you know how important this step is. There are some brands that you know you'll have a positive experience with eve…
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'Someone leaked a copy of our report': School superintendent resigns after teachers' plan draws attention to his leadership

'Someone leaked a copy of our report': School superintendent resigns after teachers' outrageous plan draws attention to his leadership

This superintendent decided to give the student government a project. That was his first mistake! U/The_Bee_Sneeze shared this interesting tale from their high school days as an overachiever. The OP writes that they were in the student government for the same reasons everyone else is: because it looks good when you're applying to colleges. It looks great on a resume, and the only things you really do are things like planning the Homecoming Dance or putting up flyers around the school. However,…
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‘You can’t discuss your pay': Manager tells employee they can't discuss wages with coworkers, employee reports them to HR and district manager

‘You can’t discuss your pay': Manager tells employee they can't discuss wages with coworkers, employee reports them to HR and district manager

It is not in a company's best interest to have their employees gather and hold a discussion about how much they are being paid, but it is certainly in the employee's best interest. Back when I was floor manager at a restaurant, I remember finding out that people who were way newer than I was at the job were getting about one dollar more than me. It doesn't really matter that it was one dollar (that adds up, by the way), it matters that this dollar is symbolic! Why should people who have fewer q…
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'He thought we could increase productivity': Boss asks employee to run overtime math, then completely ignores calculations

'He thought we could increase productivity': Boss asks employee to run overtime math, then completely ignores calculations

When it comes to their boss's odd behavior, this person writes that they “just figured it out” after five years. As a manager, you have tons of responsibilities. It's can be a lot of pressure — you have to answer to your own bosses while managing a bunch of people. You have to know how to prioritize, picking the most important tasks and getting to those first. And you also have to be cautious what you say to the employees who work underneath you. In the comments, several people noted that as a…
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coworker enemy employee boss supervisor manager nurse workplace drama fired quit quitting false report probation punishment

'She quit in disgrace': Hardworking nurse gets put on probation when a vindictive coworker files a false report; nurse gets payback by exposing them and making them quit

When a coworker is out to get you, it's not a simple task to evade them. Not only are you trapped in the workplace with this person, seeing their scowling face everyday, but it's not like you can just pressure them to quit. Or can you? In this case, one woman dealt with a vindictive workplace enemy by pulling an uno reverse on them, exposing their terrible work ethic and forcing them to face their lies.
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'I have no wish to be in her good books anymore': Employee turns down former boss's repeated requests for help

'I have no wish to be in her good books anymore': Employee turns down former boss's repeated requests for help

This boss can't let her old employee go. It's time for both of them to move on. U/YlvaNietzsche asked the r/AmItheA**hole community a question they had regarding their boss. For some reason, even though this employee departed the company, their boss is so insistent that they keep on helping. Each industry is different in regards to prior jobs. In some industries, it's incredibly important to keep a strong network of colleagues and bosses who can vouch for you as you advance in your career. For…
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 'I sent all these voicemails and screenshots to my module organizer': Group project leader won't give all members equal credit for coding project

'I sent all these voicemails and screenshots to my module organizer': Group project leader refuses to give all members equal credit for coding project

Group projects only work if everyone involved has to be accountable for their portion of the work. But as you'd know if you've ever had to do a group project, that's not usually how it goes down. Professors seem to love group projects — maybe it's less work for them to grade if they make all the students work together. Some teachers will claim that working in collaboration with your fellow students can make you a better leader or communicator. College isn't like the real world, though. If you h…
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company ceo boss manager general-manager c-level employee employees work work-story reddit antiwork malicious-compliance upper-management drama revenge petty coworker report

'The company was run by a bunch of disorganized idiots': Employee gets revenge on upper management by going above-and-beyond with petty reports; never get's micromanaged again

CEO's and upper management types are the kind of people that have the fewest tricks but the loudest bark. As the big dog at the dog park, they notoriously rampage around the others, nipping the heels of every loyal employee, defiling the sanctity of the workplace with their talk of ‘disruption’, and forcing their handlers to pick up every doo-doo in their wake.
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aita class students Professors reddit thread Reddit bullying report - 19742981

'Pretty privilege': University student mocked by the guys despite being the best in class, she gets petty revenge

They tried to sabotage her, so there's no reason why she shouldn't give these dudes a taste of their own medicine.
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news wtf beach bateria texas report - 107068417

Report On High Fecal Levels Plays Out With Tons of People In Water Anyway

So who's gonna tell them?
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Some People Give Terrible Reports

backpack classic funny report - 8247045376
Via Skippy Granola

The Biggest Regret Was That Report

student report funny regret - 7806259200
crazy wtf homeless report funny - 50402049

High School Kid Has Crazy Homeless Man Pose As His Uncle For School Report

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