reddit thread

Company sinks after three overworked employees quit together: 'Without us, they literally don't have a business going'

Company sinks after three overworked employees quit together: 'Without us, they literally don't have a business going'

HOA tries to fine non-HOA homeowners for violating their rules: 'We didn't join an HOA when we bought the house'

HOA tries to fine non-HOA homeowners for violating their rules: 'We didn't join an HOA when we bought the house'

Job candidate calls out hiring manager for overly excessive interview process, withdraws application in savage email: 'Don't let potential employers waste your time'

Job candidate calls out hiring manager for overly excessive interview process, withdraws application in savage email: 'Don't let potential employers waste your time'

'He's coming after my pay': Vindictive manager docks overworked employee's pay, employee leaves business in shambles

'He's coming after my pay': Vindictive manager docks overworked employee's pay, employee leaves business in shambles

Terrible coworker is always late getting her nails done, employee gets payback: 'Have fun opening coins with those nails'

Terrible coworker is always late getting her nails done, employee gets payback: 'Have fun opening coins with those nails'

Mom gets back at cruel P.E. teacher for making kids run in the blistering heat: 'No one likes him!'

Mom gets back at cruel P.E. teacher for making kids run in the blistering heat: 'No one likes him!'

'THIS EMPLOYEE IS STEALING': Drive thru worker gets caught adding unauthorized 20% tips to orders

'THIS EMPLOYEE IS STEALING': Drive thru worker gets caught adding unauthorized 20% tips to orders

'The meanest girls I know are all nurses': 20+ occupations that attract the worst people

'The meanest girls I know are all nurses': 20+ occupations that attract the worst people

Boss cheats employee out of $70K, employee finds a better offer: 'I'll be making double'

Boss cheats employee out of $70K, employee finds a better offer: 'I'll be making double'

Karen calls neighbor's boss to try to get him fired, falsely accuses him of theft: 'It was so embarrassing'

Karen calls neighbor's boss to try to get him fired, falsely accuses him of theft: 'It was so embarrassing'

'This went on and on for weeks': Guy gets even with non-stop partying neighbors by hiding their extra keys

Guy gets even with non-stop partying neighbors by hiding their electric key: 'Two days later [...] they ran out of electricity'

'Karen was annoyed that I didn't evenly divide 7 by 2': Karen throws tantrum after her daughters were not picked as volunteers in school assembly

'Karen was annoyed that I didn't evenly divide 7 by 2': Mother throws tantrum after her daughters were not picked as volunteers in school assembly

'You told me to handle them, hence I handled them': Entitled mother loses it after shopper gets her kids thrown out of the store

'You told me to handle them, hence I handled them': Entitled mother loses it after shopper gets her kids thrown out of the store

'That is really not your business': Teacher lashes out at coworker in public for asking questions about her personal life

'That is really not your business': Teacher lashes out at coworker in public for asking questions about her personal life

'The girl downstairs is insane': Grad student gets back at petty Karen neighbor for nonstop noise complaints

'The girl downstairs is insane': Grad student gets back at petty Karen neighbor for nonstop noise complaints

HOA won't let guy plant sunflowers, he hires a lawyer and finds a loophole in their policy: 'This is America and I should be able to plant sunflowers'

HOA won't let guy plant sunflowers, he hires a lawyer and finds a loophole in their policy: 'This is America and I should be able to plant sunflowers'