reddit thread

Employee figures out toxic boss is watching their every move and no one else, plans payback: ''The camera is pointed directly at me'

Employee figures out toxic boss is watching their every move and no one else, plans payback: 'The camera is pointed directly at me'

10+ pizza delivery drivers share how their most bizarre customers got banned from the restaurant: 'His living space was a shrine of greasy cardboard'

10+ pizza delivery drivers share how their most bizarre customers got banned from the restaurant: 'His living space was a shrine of greasy cardboard'

FAILS entitlement drama malicious compliance backtracks online shopping mildly infuriating scam entitled reddit thread headphones Reddit auction entitled people ebay - 35329797

Man wins online auction for headphones, seller claims he dropped them and won't provide proof: [I'll] likely keep them for myself'

Downstairs neighbor sends series of unhinged texts about tenant's dog: 'I know now to NEVER EVER give neighbors your phone number'

Downstairs neighbor sends series of unhinged texts about tenant's dog: 'I know now to NEVER EVER give neighbors your phone number'

Dad accuses son of losing wrench he lost himself, son buys him new wrench as a gift for every event for the rest of his life: 'This Father's Day will be wrench number 55!'

Dad accuses son of losing wrench he lost himself, son buys him new wrench as a gift for every event for the rest of his life: 'This Father's Day will be wrench number 55!'

'Sorry, boss. I got other plans': Boss confronts employee about not attending weekend work party, employee tells boss to reschedule work events for the actual work day

'Sorry, boss. I got other plans': Boss confronts employee about not attending weekend work party, employee tells boss to reschedule work events for the actual work day

'You really can't win with her': Top Infuriating Coworker Stories of the Week (June 9, 2024)

'You really can't win with her': Top Infuriating Coworker Stories of the Week (June 9, 2024)

Top Dad Jokes of the Week: Father's Day Edition (June 9, 2024)

Top Dad Jokes of the Week to Prepare for Father's Day (June 9, 2024)

'You can't be here!': Karen calls the cops on park worker for trespassing and littering while he was doing his job

'You can't be here!': Karen calls the cops on park worker for trespassing and littering while he was doing his job

Video content creator gets unfairly fired, hatches plan to trick boss into a year's worth of pay: 'My former manager was so desperate'

Video content creator gets unfairly fired, hatches plan to trick boss into a year's worth of pay: 'My former manager was so desperate'

Gas station attendant gets back at entitled teenagers who refuse to follow no parking rules: 'Try parking there now!'

Gas station attendant gets back at entitled teenagers who refuse to follow no parking rules: 'Try parking there now!'

Employee discovers work tracker on laptop, confronts shady managers: 'Please select why you were away from your computer'

Employee discovers work tracker on laptop, confronts shady managers: 'Someone somewhere is watching idle time carefully'

Fast food worker quits without notice, manager tries to get away with paying minimum wage for his final paycheck: 'The pay is still void because there was no two week notice'

Fast food worker quits without notice, manager tries to get away with paying minimum wage for his final paycheck: 'The pay is still void because there was no two week notice'

Stepdad hides 17-year-old stepdaughter's passport to exclude her from family trip, wife discovers truth and loses it: 'I screamed my head off at him then canceled the whole trip'

Stepdad hides 17-year-old stepdaughter's passport to exclude her from family trip, wife discovers truth and loses it: 'I screamed my head off at him then canceled the whole trip'

Cranky neighbor crashes kid's birthday party to complain about parking, they get her back by blocking her driveway: 'Ok, I'll block parking in front of your house'

Cranky neighbor crashes kid's birthday party to complain about parking, they get her back by blocking her driveway: 'Ok, I'll block parking in front of your house'

'He can't justify giving me a raise': Two-faced boss gives employee glowing mid-year review, then denies him a raise for not going "above and beyond"

'He can't justify giving me a raise': Two-faced boss gives employee glowing mid-year review, then denies him a raise for not going "above and beyond"