reddit thread

'[My] signed 20k contract is [...] nowhere to be found': HR informs employee that his signing bonus is $10K instead of promised $20K

'[My] signed 20k contract is [...] nowhere to be found': HR informs employee that his signing bonus is $10K instead of promised $20K

neighbors entitlement drama neighborhood-drama couples landscape scam entitled family property reddit thread Reddit - 35655173

'She paid insurance and taxes for years': Couple discovers after 40 years they were scammed, realizing they only own half their land and have been paying to maintain neighbor's property

Boss tells employee to re-apply for their own position because of district policies, employee walks out: 'I will not be re-applying'

Boss tells employee to re-apply for their own position because of district policies, employee walks out: 'I will not be re-applying'

Customer gets owned when an employee gives back $85 of change in $1 bills for a funny retaliation

‘Such a boss move in my opinion’: Entitled customer throws tantrum over cashier checking their $100 bill, so employee gives back $85 of change in $1 bills

Stubborn couple argue over a bag of licorice, woman makes boyfriend eat the whole bag: 'Be grateful for my gift'

Stubborn couple argue over a bag of licorice, woman makes boyfriend eat the whole bag: 'Be grateful for my gift'

Boss asks employees to take $5,000 out of each paycheck to be team players: 'My management actually has the nerve to ask me to be paid less'

Boss asks employees to take $5,000 out of each paycheck to be team players: 'My management actually has the nerve to ask me to be paid less'

employee entitlement satisfying job malicious compliance petty revenge couples baby boomers boomers entitled reddit thread Reddit business funny entitled people - 35636997

'Boomer went into a full-on rage, probably partially from being put in his place by a woman': Entitled customer ignores signs and claims couple cut in line, worker backs up couple

'I stopped coming in early': Frustrated phlebotomist sticks to normal work hours to spite toxic boss after he took entitled coworker's side

'I stopped coming in early': Frustrated phlebotomist sticks to normal work hours to spite toxic boss after he took entitled coworker's side

29 funny job advertisements filled with typos and spelling errors: 'Be ponctual'

29 funny job advertisements filled with typos and spelling errors: 'Be ponctual'

Teacher maliciously complies with strict school dress code, wears ridiculous boots to work to prove a point: 'I am in compliance with the dress code'

Teacher maliciously complies with strict school dress code, wears ridiculous boots to work to prove a point: 'I am in compliance with the dress code'

family drama aita baby names reddit story family feud married life parenting etiquette family reddit thread married Parenting Fail parents - 35646725

Mother mad at scientist husband for secretly naming their daughter after an insect: 'She said I had taken advantage of her trust'

Karen goes on sick leave for four weeks because her coworker asked her to fix a mistake: 'I refused to do a task she assigned me'

Karen goes on sick leave for four weeks after receiving coworker's constructive criticism: 'I refused to do a task she assigned me'

Tenants feud with former landlord for withholding security deposit, they collect the full amount plus interest and fees: 'Needless to say, we are very happy with the outcome'

Tenants feud with former landlord for withholding security deposit, they collect the full amount plus interest and fees: 'Needless to say, we are very happy with the outcome'

After employee voices his opinions during company meeting, micromanager notifies him he is no longer welcome on the team

After employee voices his opinions during company meeting, micromanager notifies him he is no longer welcome on the team

Impatient Male Karen driver yells at pedestrian in a quiet suburb, karma rears its head: 'He drove smack into [a] ditch'

Impatient Male Karen driver yells at pedestrian in a quiet suburb, karma rears its head: 'He drove smack into [a] ditch'

15+ awkward zoom calls for people who still don't know how to mute themselves: 'A colleague activated a filter that turned them into a potato for the entire team meeting'

15+ awkward zoom calls for people who still don't know how to mute themselves: 'A colleague activated a filter that turned them into a potato for the entire team meeting'