reddit thread

"AITA for kicking my MOH out of my wedding party because she was being a buzz kill?"

Bride Fires Maid of Honor for Being a Buzzkill

toxic-workplace server Kitchen Confidential restaurant service kitchen service industry reddit thread Reddit - 17698565

Update: Kitchen Drama, Conflict and Owner Abuse Leads to Resignation of FOH Lead and Chef

A college student ghosted his job after his manager completely ignored his advance request for time off.

College Student Encouraged By Reddit To Ghost His Bad Manager

customer service malicious compliance revenge customers flight petty revenge reddit thread Reddit rude greatest hits - 17684741

Greatest Hits: Rude Dude Gets Given Exactly What He Asked For From Vengeful Flight Attendant

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Insane Karen Leaves Scathing 1-Star Review After Being Kicked Out of a Bar For Giving Her Underaged Daughter Alcohol

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BFF's Trash-Talk Texting Mishap Results in Cancelled Bachelorette Party

AITA for avoiding an ex on vacation and for not following up about getting drinks?

Guy Avoids Running Into Ex While On Vacation, Only To Be Stuck Together On The Same Flight Home

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Viral Thread: Worker Quits on Second Day After Lies From Interview Are Exposed

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Woman Savagely Annihilates Ex's Entire Friend Group After They Mock Her Heartbroken Email

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Woman Fired From Cellphone Store For Refusing to Clean Up Other People's Dishes

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Karen Roasted By Business Owner After She Brings Disruptive Newborn to Nail Salon and Leaves Bad Review

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Clingy Coworker Reports Unwitting Mentor to HR For Standing Her Ground

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Nuclear Revenge: Vengeful Scorned Woman Gets Revenge on Her Cheating-Thieving Ex, Resets All His Debt

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Greatest Hits: Boss Yells At Intern For Taking Personal Call, Sparks Mass Resignation

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Thread: Recruiter Wants to "Negotiate" Lower Salary, Actually Wants to Trick Candidate Into Taking Lower Pay

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Update: Meat-Loving Groom Secretly Cancels Vegan Meals, Bride Cancels Wedding and Leaves Him